Chapter 763 Another World

Chapter 767

My darling, she is so lucky that she encountered two rare white-fronted and hanging-eyed tigers at once. This kind of white-fronted and hanging-eyed tiger is full of lethality and spirituality. Let alone two, she looked around wildly, looking for the best escape route.

When the Diao-eyed tiger was rushing towards her, she slipped her footsteps and used the golden cicada footwork, lightly avoiding the attack of a Diao-eyed tiger. It's a pity that this is a forest full of trees, her golden cicada step Fa couldn't use it with all her strength here, and she was intercepted by the white-fronted Diao Qinghu just a few steps away. She had no choice but to change another way to escape. She must not come to the cold pool.

The two hanging-eyed tigers also seem to be red-eyed, and they broke into the forbidden area in the past. When they came back to their senses and wanted to escape, a huge thick tail was thrown out of the cold pool. It slammed heavily on the backs of the two hanging-eyed tigers. The hanging-eyed tiger was hit hard by its tail, struggling to get up and trying to escape, but who knows, the retracted long tail stretched out again, wrapping them up, One dragged into the water.

It disappeared without a sound.

Jian Yun was dumbfounded, and finally realized Wu Jiang's panic when he told about the tragedy that happened that day.

She wanted to run away before the monster started attacking her, but she didn't know that as soon as she took a step, she felt her body soaring into the air, and at some point, her waist was caught by the huge long tail. Being caught, she was lifted into the air, but she didn't end up like the eye-catching tiger. The monster in the water didn't drag her into the water.

She was placed on a piece of soft grass not far from the edge of the pool, and the cold flood dragon hiding in the water quietly appeared in front of her eyes.

Han Jiao's huge head pushed against her body, causing her to stagger and almost fall.

The cold dragon put its nose close to her body and sniffed it hard for a while. There was obvious disappointment in its huge eyes. When it was about to turn around and leave, it saw the needle bag half exposed on Jian Yun's waist. It knows it, it has seen it.

It bit out the needle bag with its mouth, sucked it hard with its nose, and sure enough, it smelled her, and its eyes lit up with joy.

There was also a piece of paper that was brought out by the needle bag, on which was drawn the medicinal herbs that Jian Yun was looking for on this trip. It glanced at it and uttered a few whines at Jian Yun. Jian Yun couldn't understand it, but seeing it There seemed to be no malice, so he asked, "What do you want to say?"

Han Jiao patted the paper on the ground with its front paws, then pointed to the cold pool.

Jian Yun seemed to understand a little bit. She heard Rongyue mention that there is another cave at the bottom of the cold pool. There seems to be another mysterious world. There are many rare flowers and plants growing in it, and they are so huge that they are so big. People can't imagine.

This cold dragon must be the little cold dragon that saved Rongyue's life, it smelled Rongyue's smell from Rongyue's needle pack, so it planned to help her find herbs?

Xiao Hanjiao hid in the cold pool, she hesitated whether to leave, should she stay or go?

Curiosity finally defeated reason, she chose to stay, but to see if Xiao Hanjiao would bring her the herb she wanted.

It's very quiet here, not to mention beasts, not even a bird. It seems that everyone knows that there is someone who is not easy to mess with here, and they all avoid it.

Fortunately, there is another world connected to the bottom of the cold pond, otherwise, with the body of the Frost Flood Dragon, all the birds and beasts in this mountain would become their food.

(End of this chapter)

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