Chapter 764

Chapter 768

Half an hour later, the Xiao Hanjiao really came back. It floated up from the bottom of the water, and its huge body came out of the water. There was no trace of water on its body. imaginary.

Xiao Hanjiao opened his mouth, and spit out a handful of flowers and plants. There are many types, all of which are very similar to the ones in Jian Yun's paintings, and the branches and leaves are thick, which are different from ordinary medicinal herbs. Jian Yun rummaged inside and found one. The medicinal herb she urgently needed, and the rest of the medicinal herbs were very rare and precious, she was not willing to waste any of them, packed them all up, and thanked Xiaohanjiao repeatedly: "This is for saving Rongyue, you helped me, It's like helping her, thank you."

Xiaohan Jiao only stared at her with huge eyes, and remained motionless.

It wasn't until this time that Jian Yun realized that there seemed to be something missing from Xiao Hanjiao's face. There were three long whiskers on one side of her face, while there was only one on the other side. It seemed that the beards she used for healing were also contributed by it.

At this moment, there was the sound of water in the cold pool again, and Xiaohan Jiao's eyes changed drastically, and he quickly rolled up Jian Yun with his long tail, and threw her far away into the bushes.

Jian Yun fell hard, rubbed her waist and was about to get up, when she saw another cold dragon coming out of the cold pool in the distance from the bushes, the body of the dragon was much bigger than the previous one, she quickly covered her mouth, Only then did he realize that Xiao Hanjiao was trying to save her life.

After the two cold dragons returned to the cold pool and disappeared completely, she carefully climbed up from the bushes, and quickly left Funiu Mountain with the bunch of medicinal herbs.

After leaving Zhou Palace for so long, she doesn't know how Rong Yue is doing now.


"My queen, master Jian has returned to the palace." The maid came to report.

Qi Rongyue hurriedly dropped the book in her hand and rushed out of the inner hall, seeing the master striding forward safe and sound, she was so happy that she almost jumped up: "Master——you are so anxious to death, after so long There is no news of you, where have you been?"

Jian Yun chuckled: "Of course I'm looking for what I want."

Seeing the bright and bright smile of the master, she felt relieved: "Have you found it?"

"Of course, with the help of a master, what else can't be done?" Jian Yun looked proud.

"Yes, yes, my master is the best. Come in, are you hungry? Tired? Are you thirsty?"

Jian Yun waved her hand, "These are not important, guess where these precious herbs of mine come from?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "How can I guess this? If you didn't pick it yourself, where else could it have come from?"

She moved her lips to Qi Rongyue's, and whispered softly: "The little Hanjiao in Hantan got these for my master."

Qi Rongyue's complexion changed drastically, and her voice immediately raised her voice twice: "Master, why did you go there? Didn't I tell you not to let you go?"

Jian Yun shrugged: "I don't want to go either, but I searched all the mountains and forests in the Zhou Dynasty for my master, but I didn't find this herb. I wanted to go to Funiu Mountain to try my luck, but I didn't want to go to the cold pool to provoke them. , Who would have thought that they would meet two white-fronted tigers with dangling eyes on the road, chasing them all the way, and entering by mistake."

Jian Yun's eyebrows were beaming with joy, but Qi Rongyue was apprehensive and frightened when he heard it.

"Master, if you are so disobedient next time, I will really get angry." Qi Rongyue pouted, with anger on her face and distress in her heart.

Jian Yun said haha: "You are getting more and more courageous, how dare you talk to the master like this, hey, the wings are hard, eh—where is Xue'er?" She came back for a while, why didn't she see her? Cher like a fart?
(End of this chapter)

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