Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 765 Can't visit in person.

Chapter 765 Can't visit in person.

Chapter 769

Qi Rongyue didn't make a sound, and waved her hands to order all the maids in the palace to retreat.

Jian Yun frowned: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Qi Rongyue sighed: "That day at the enthronement ceremony, Zhou An was drunk and went to the East Palace, just happened to bump into Xue'er who was going back to get some things, and mistakenly mistook Xue'er for me, so I got lucky with her."

Jian Yun shot up at the table: "What? Zhou An was surprised—I never expected that he would be such a person, a hypocrite, shameless, if you were not Xue'er but you in the East Palace that day, the consequences... "She didn't dare to think.

Qi Rongyue sighed: "If it were me, he wouldn't succeed. Xue'er already has feelings for him, so in this way, Xue'er's heart is fulfilled."

Jian Yun's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it: "What did you say? Xue'er has feelings for Zhou An? When did this happen?"

"Back when Zhou An lived in Rongyu Hall in Pengcheng, Xue'er liked him at that time, but it's a pity that Luohua has intentions, but Liushui is ruthless."

Jian Yun's mood gradually calmed down: "So, Xue'er is not wronged if she commits herself to Zhou An?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "Only she knows whether she is wronged or not, but in this way, she will no longer be able to follow us back to Chu Dynasty."

Jian Yun sighed softly: "If you don't come back, then don't go back. Isn't the greatest happiness in a woman's life to be with the man she loves for the rest of her life?"

Qi Rongyue nodded and yawned: "For some reason, I've been feeling sleepy lately, and I can't sleep enough."

Jian Yun saw that her complexion was not very good, and was about to help her, when a palace maid hurried over outside: "The empress queen, it's not good, the empress concubine Xue has fainted."

Hearing the words, the two rushed to Jinghe Hall where Xueer lived.

Xue'er was lying on the couch with a white face. When they arrived, she just woke up. Seeing Qi Rongyue and Jian Yun coming together, she forced herself to get out of bed.

Master Jian quickly stepped forward and pressed her back on the bed, held her pulse with one hand, and said in a deep voice, "If you feel uncomfortable, lie down and don't move around."

Xue'er obediently lay back, Master Jian frowned slightly after taking the pulse, and took it again.

Seeing this, Qi Rongyue hurriedly asked: "Master, what's wrong with Xue'er?"

Jian Yun let go of Xue'er's hand, and said with a faint smile, "Xue'er is happy."

When the maids in the palace heard this, they all knelt down on the ground and congratulated Xue'er.

Xue'er was stunned, thinking that she had heard it wrong, until she was awakened by the voices of congratulations from the maids, and finally realized that it was true, she was really happy.

Qi Rongyue said to the maid at the side: "What are you still doing in a daze? Go and announce the good news to His Majesty."

Xue'er was a little at a loss, sat up, touched her flat belly, and asked Qi Rongyue: "Sister, do you think Your Majesty will like this child?"

Qi Rongyue smiled and said: "Fool, of course he will like this child. This is not only your child, but also his child. How can parents in this world not like their own child?"

Cough—it seems that there are such parents, Qi Yongchun doesn't like Qi Rongyue, doesn't he?

But Zhou An is not such a person, he is not too young, and he must be looking forward to having a child of his own.

She was right, Zhou An was really looking forward to having a child of his own, but he hoped that the person who would bear his child was not Xue'er, but Rong Yue.

After learning that Xue'er was happy, he was not very happy. He just sent some things to Jinghe Hall as a routine, but he himself said that he was busy with state affairs and could not visit in person.

(End of this chapter)

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