Chapter 767

Chapter 771

"Why wouldn't I dare? Mr. Wan can't wait for it."

The master and apprentice laughed and laughed all night, but Xue'er in Jinghe Temple was sad all night.

"From now on, you will lie on the bed and pretend to be sick. Zhou An will definitely ask the imperial doctor to check it out. At that time, you will take this elixir, and the imperial doctor will not be able to find anything."

Jian Yun handed a blue elixir to Qi Rongyue's hand.

Just at this time, a palace maid came to report: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty has come to the Hall of Mercy and Harmony."

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Understood, you step back." After the maid left, she hurriedly lay down, pretending to be sick.

As soon as Zhou An entered the inner hall, he saw Qi Rongyue lying on the bed with a white face, while Jian Yun was looking after her.

He hurried forward: "What's the matter?"

Jian Yun sighed: "I have been sick for a long time. It was just a heart disease, but I didn't expect that the heart extended to the body and committed a serious disease. I'm afraid it won't be cured for a while."

Jian Yun raised her eyes to look at Zhou An, and said again: "It's all my fault, if I hadn't been away from the palace for too long, and I hadn't come back earlier to discover her abnormality, I wouldn't have become so seriously ill."

Zhou An knew that Jian Yun was Qi Rongyue's master, and Qi Rongyue's medical skills might be better than Qi Rongyue's. Even she looked like this, did she really have some serious emergency?But he wondered again, could this be a trick played by Rong Yue and her?Want to force him to let her go back to Chu?

Thinking of this, Zhou An immediately said: "So, there is a new imperial doctor in the palace, and I heard that he is very familiar with difficult diseases, so I sent someone to invite him here."

Qi Rongyue waved his hand: "No need, I know my body, I'm dying soon, don't worry about me anymore, you all go out, let me be quiet."

How could Zhou An be willing to persuade him, Qi Rongyue "reluctantly" agreed to ask the imperial doctor to take a look.

Half an hour later, a middle-aged man was invited into the Hall of Mercy. The man was white-faced and beardless. When he saw Jian Yun with his eyes, his face was startled, and he was overjoyed: "This, this, this is Master Jian?"

Jian Yun raised her eyebrows to look at him, but she couldn't remember who it was.

"you are?"

The middle-aged man hurriedly said: "Master Jian, don't you remember? 20 years ago, you saved my life. I said that I like medical skills very much. You also left me a medical book. My current medical skills are all I learned it from that medical book, Master Jian, you are my benefactor."

Zhou An was concerned about Qi Rongyue's illness. Seeing the excitement on the man's face, he seemed to have forgotten that he was here to treat the queen, coughed immediately, and said in a deep voice: "Doctor Luo, do you want to see a doctor?" Let’s talk about the old days later, but the most urgent thing now is to see the queen first, why don’t you go quickly?”

Doctor Luo nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, I will go now."

Doctor Luo came to the sick bed, diagnosed and treated Qi Rongyue in detail, his brows became more and more wrinkled.

Zhou An saw that his complexion was not very good, and he was even more worried: "Tell me, what kind of disease did you have?"

Doctor Luo hurriedly said: "Go back to Your Majesty, the empress is seriously ill."

Is it really Yuji?How had he not noticed it before?
"Is there a cure?" Doctor Luo shook his head: "If it's just a heart disease, you just need to untie the heart knot, but the queen, she is no longer as simple as a heart disease, a disease of long-term depression, and there is no cure."

"Presumptuous!" Zhou An was furious and shouted at Doctor Luo.

Doctor Luo immediately knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to Zhou An: "Your Majesty, calm down, everything I said is true, and there is absolutely no falsehood."

(End of this chapter)

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