Chapter 768
Chapter 772

Jian Yun said with a sullen face: "Zhou An, my good disciple married you, why didn't you treat her well? Now that you are seriously ill, it is useful for you to vent your anger at the doctor?"

Zhou An was burning with anxiety: "No, no, Rong Yue won't get this kind of disease, I will cure her, I will definitely cure her."

Qi Rongyue looked sideways at the flustered Zhou An, and said sadly: "Your Majesty, I am from the Chu Dynasty. I was born in the Chu Dynasty and grew up in the Chu Dynasty. Now I am dying of illness. Would Your Majesty send me back to Chu?"

Zhou An immediately shook his head: "No, since you are my wife, the queen of my Zhou Dynasty, you are my person in life and my soul in death, I will not allow you to leave, not even a single step."

She closed her eyes, turned her head away from looking at him, and the only trace of guilt towards him in her heart disappeared. His words strengthened her determination to leave.

He rushed to the side of the couch, stretched out his hand to hold her hand, and held her hand tightly, as if his most precious treasure was about to leave him: "No, you won't die, this king won't allow it!" , absolutely not."

She withdrew her hand, turned her back to him, and softly entered his ear with a cold voice: "It's destiny, what's the use if you don't allow it?"

Zhou An was stunned, destiny?Her death is fate?Is it destiny not to get her?No, he doesn't want such a fate.

"Jiaozhu, yes, there are also Jiaozhu. I will immediately send people to Funiu Mountain to surround and kill the cold Jiao. I will definitely get another Jiaozhu, so you don't have to die."

Qi Rongyue immediately turned her head, stared at him with cold eyes, and said word by word: "If you really dare to do this, I will die in front of you immediately."

Jian Yun also said: "Jiaozhu can bring people back to life, but not everyone who dies can be resurrected with Jiaozhu."

Zhou An was puzzled and looked back at her: "What do you mean?"

Jian Yun said: "Don't even think about it, why Jiaozhu has not been used by anyone in the Zhou royal family for so many years. Are the ancestors of your Zhou royal family tired of living? Or is every prince ruthless? These are not the most The main reason, the most important reason, is that people who die of old age, sickness, and death can't live with dragon beads. If you want to use dragon beads to revive a person, first of all, this person must have a healthy body. Ten orbs are useless."

Jian Yun glanced at Zhou An, and said coolly, "If you don't believe me, you can ask your father."

Zhou An turned around and ran out of the Hall of Mercy, and went to the Hall of Supreme Harmony to find his father, but he got the same answer as Jian Yun from his father. No wonder his father said that they would not be able to use this jiao bead. However, if people who died of illness and old age could use it, would Jiaozhu still exist to this day?

Zhou An returned to the Hall of Mercy in a daze, but dared not go in, and stood outside the hall gate for a full two hours.

"Your Majesty, go in and rest, if this continues, you will also get sick."

At this time, Jian Yun came out from the inside, and Zhou An pulled her back: "Master Jian, aren't you a miracle doctor? Isn't a miracle doctor able to heal everything, and can't heal any disease? Why can't Rongyue cure it?" ?”

Jian Yun shook his head: "I'm just an ordinary doctor. The name of a miracle doctor is given by the world. I am ashamed to be a doctor. I can treat everything. Anyone who can't be cured is not a doctor but a god. I can't do it. Don't worry. I'm just as anxious as you, she is my apprentice, just like my own daughter, if something happens to her, won't I be heartbroken?"

Zhou An let go of his hands, with a dejected look on his face: "Is there really no other way?"

(End of this chapter)

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