Chapter 771 Death
Chapter 775

Chu Tianqi raised his head suddenly, stared at Min Hengzhi's face closely, and asked in surprise, "What did you say? What did you just say?" Chu Tianqi rushed to Min Hengzhi, grabbed his collar, and sternly stare at him.

Min Hengzhi looked into Tianqi's eyes with red eyes, and smiled wryly: "Have you not noticed yet? Rong Yue looks like one person. How could there be two people who are so similar in this world? You are with her Didn't you feel that her affection for you is a family affection that blood is thicker than water?"

Blood is thicker than water?
He only has one elder sister, and no other brothers or sisters. The only person with whom his blood is thicker than water is Huang Jie.

"What do you mean by that? Tell me clearly." He didn't dare to think about that possibility.

Min Hengzhi said: "Don't you understand yet? Rongyue is your imperial sister, she is your biological sister."

Chu Tianqi's hand slowly loosened, and the scenes in front of her eyes were all pictures of him and Rong Yue together. She knew everything about him and his father, queen, mother, what he liked to eat, and what little hobbies and ailments he usually had. , and even know where the hidden compartment of the queen mother's treasure ring is, this is a secret that even he doesn't know.

How could he be so stupid and have such an obvious answer, but he never figured it out, he didn't even recognize his own sister.

His heart hurt so much, he grabbed the clothes on his chest, he felt that his breath was not smooth, and he fell limp to the ground when his eyes darkened.

"Come here, come quickly, the emperor has passed out, announce the imperial doctor, quickly announce the imperial doctor."

Min Hengzhi's panicked voice kept ringing in his ears, and his consciousness gradually lost. He wished that all this was just a nightmare. When he woke up, the imperial sister was still by his side, and his father, queen, and queen were not dead. People are still happily together with the previous one.

Zheng Guogong's mansion.

"Ma'am, something happened." Zheng Guogong hurried into the upper room.

Mrs. Zheng looked curious: "What happened? You look so ugly."

Zheng Guogong took his wife's hand and sat down at the table. He took half a cup of warm tea on the table and took a sip to moisten his throat. Then he said: "I just got the news that Rongyue is gone."

Mrs. Zheng looked confused: "What does this mean? What do you mean it's gone?"

Zheng Guogong sighed: "The Zhou Dynasty sent the letter of state, the melting moon was full of homesickness, depression became sick, and eventually died."

Mrs. Zheng turned pale with shock: "What? This, how is this possible? Isn't she a miracle doctor? How could a miracle doctor get this kind of disease?"

Zheng Guogong said: "Who says it's not? When I heard the news just now, I thought I had heard it wrong. After several confirmations, I realized that it was true. The emperor also fell ill because of this, and the palace was in chaos. A pot of porridge."

Zheng Guogong looked outside and sighed: "What I'm most worried about is our Zhongwen, who is about to get married now, and if something like this happens again, do you think he will—"

Mrs. Zheng shook her head: "No, definitely not. Didn't Zhongwen say that he doesn't like Rong Yue at all now, and believes that she is his murderer, so he can't kill her to avenge him."

Zheng Guogong shook his head: "Do you believe what he said? Didn't you see that in his study, the tank was full of portraits of Rongyue, each of which was painted by himself. If he really doesn't like her , is this necessary?"

Mrs. Zheng really didn't know this, she looked surprised: "He really draws portraits of Rongyue every day?"

(End of this chapter)

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