Chapter 772 How familiar is it?
Chapter 776

Zheng Guogong said: "If you don't believe me, you can ask Sangui, he knows very well."

Mrs. Zheng was also anxious: "How can this be good? If Zhongwen knows the news, how can he bear it?"

In the middle of the night, Zheng Zhongwen had been sitting in the study for a whole day in a daze. He couldn't figure out what was wrong with her the time he saw her, and why she died of illness in just three months. ?Is human life really so fragile?

From dawn to night, from night to dawn, and from dawn to night, he locked himself in the study for two full days and two nights, and the people outside knocked on the door countless times.

He got up suddenly, took out all the paintings in the tank, spread them out one by one on the ground, and looked at each one carefully, as if he wanted to carve that beautiful face into his bones. Numb, seems to have no pain.

After reading all the scrolls, he sat with his arms all night. It was not until dawn that he threw the paintings in his hand into the stove one by one and burned them to ashes.

Just like their fate, with this painting, with this ash, it will disperse with the wind, without a trace.

When he opened the door, there were all the people who cared about him outside the door. He raised a haggard and pale smile: "I'm fine, the wedding will continue as usual."

Zheng Guogong looked hesitant: "How about me and your mother go to Xue Houye and Mrs. Xue to talk about it, and it won't be too late to do it after a while."

He shook his head: "No need, it's the same if you do it early or late, so there's no need to delay."

After saying that, he hurried back to his room, changed into court clothes and entered the palace.

After the emperor woke up, he didn't come to court, and stayed in the imperial palace all day long. When he entered the palace, the imperial doctor was treating the emperor, so he retreated. It seemed that he didn't know what to say when he saw the emperor, but For some reason, he still came here.

After thinking for a long time, he still chose to retreat, left the palace, tried on auspicious clothes, prepared for the wedding, and pretended to be a normal person. Only he knew how painful his heart was, so painful that he couldn't even breathe steadily. .

"My lord, if you want to cry, you can cry. Didn't Miss Qi say that? It's bullshit for any man who doesn't flick his tears. People cry when they are sad, whether they are men or women. "

Zheng Zhongwen squinted at him, and said lightly: "Do I look very sad?"

Sangui nodded: "Yes, you look very sad."

Yeah?He turned to face the bronze mirror, looked at himself in the mirror, expressionless, neither happy nor sad, where did they see that he was very sad?
Sangui sighed: "Miss Qi said that people's life and death are determined by fate, but I don't think people like Miss Qi seem to be short-lived."

Zheng Zhongwen stared at Sangui: "You have Miss Qi on the left and Miss Qi on the right. Are you familiar with her?"

Sangui nodded, then shook his head again: "It's not that I know her very well, it's that you, my lord, know her very well."

"How familiar?" he asked.

Sangui said: "Inseparable, even though they are not married, they are better than husband and wife."

Zheng Zhongwen was puzzled: "What does it mean that you are better than a husband and wife even though you are not married? Please explain clearly."

Sangui thought for a while, then laughed dryly: "Actually, when you were in Jincheng, you sneaked into Ms. Qi's room every night, I know all about it."

Zheng Zhongwen frowned, he used to spend the night in her room?That last time was in the Zhou Dynasty - she was clearly still a virgin.

(End of this chapter)

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