Chapter 773 She Betrayed Him
Chapter 777

So the relationship between him and her is already so close?

Since the relationship between husband and wife is better than husband and wife, why did she abandon him and marry another?
And why, when he was seriously injured, stabbed him with a knife?

His heart began to ache again, obviously she was dead, and obviously the bond between the two of them was completely over, but why, when he thought of her, his heart still hurt so much.

Is it really like what Sangui said, even though he has no memory, even though she can't help him, he still loves her deeply?This kind of love has penetrated deep into the bone marrow and embedded in the soul, so when he forgot everything, he still remembered her face.

Heh—but so what?

She was dead, completely disappeared in this world, she betrayed him, and refused to give him even the chance to continue to hate her.

Qi Rongyue, you are really cruel and vicious.

The pain in his heart became more severe, he took a deep breath, walked out of the room, and looked up at the blue sky in a daze.

"My lord, what are you thinking?" Sangui followed and asked cautiously.

Zheng Zhongwen said: "I'm thinking, when I go underground in the future and see her, what should I say first?"

Sangui's tears could no longer be stopped, he seemed to be able to see the heart of the prince full of scars, he had never seen him so decadent and despondent.

Even when the eldest princess passed away, he was only sad, but he was not as disheartened as he is now, as if he no longer attached to everything in the world.

Turned into a walking dead, without joy or sorrow.

"My lord, Miss Xue is here and is waiting for you in the side hall." The girl Cuizhu quickly came to report, seeing Sangui like this, with a curious expression on her face.

Sangui hurriedly wiped away the tears on his face, stared at Cuizhu and said, "What are you looking at? What's so interesting? Have you ever seen a man cry?"

Zheng Zhongwen still looked up at the sky without saying a word.

Sangui said again: "You went back to Miss Xue, and said that the prince is not feeling well today, and asked her to come another day—oh no, don't come on another day, the prince will be recuperating recently."

Cuizhu turned her head to look at Zheng Zhongwen, seeing that her master didn't say a word, she knew she had no objection to Sangui's words, she turned around and left, feeling sorry for Miss Xue, she was about to get married, but her fiancé ignored her, Who can stand it?
After Cuizhu left, Sangui muttered: "This Miss Xue is really real, she has moved away, and she comes to our house every now and then, and she is not afraid of people saying that she has broken the gauge."

side hall
"Miss Xue, my lord is not feeling well, and he is taking care of him in his room. I ask you not to come again in the near future, lest you get sick." Cuizhu replied tactfully.

Xue Baozhen frowned, and Xiaohe, the girl beside her, immediately yelled at Cuizhu: "Could it be that you didn't report it at all? How could the prince not see my lady?"

Cuizhu rolled her eyes in her heart, this girl is too inappropriate in her words, as a slave, how can she really hide this kind of thing that is not reported to the master?Who would do such a foolish thing?What's more, the other party is still my mistress in the future, isn't this courting death?
Cui Zhu hurriedly said with a smile on her face: "Sister He is really joking. If you don't believe me, you can wait until you see the prince in the future and ask him personally."

in the future?To put it bluntly, did she see her today?
Knowing that Qi Rongyue died in a foreign country, Xue Baozhen had long wanted to come and find out about Zheng Zhongwen, but every time she came, she hadn't seen anyone, and today she wanted to see him no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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