Chapter 774 Simple Creatures
Chapter 778

She smiled, and said to Cuizhu: "Actually, I am here today mainly to see Madam, I have some things to discuss with her, why don't you bother Miss, and pass it on for me?"

Naturally, Cui Zhu dared not say no and went immediately.

As soon as Cui Zhu left, Xiao He murmured in a low voice: "Miss, do you believe what she said?"

Xue Baozhen smiled lightly: "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. The important thing is that I must see the prince today."

As soon as Xiao He heard what Miss said, she immediately understood what she meant. It was false to see the wife, but it was true to see the prince by a detour.

After a while, Cuizhu came back and said to Xue Baozhen: "Miss Xue, madam please go over."

Xue Baozhen pursed her lips, and there was a smug look in her beautiful eyes, "You don't want to see me, I have my own way to see you."

Cuizhu was leading the way, Xue Baozhen winked at Xiaohe, Xiaohe understood, took a quick step deliberately, and said to Cuizhu: "Sister Cuizhu, your clothes are so beautiful."

Women are such simple creatures, to get acquainted with them, one can do it with just a compliment.

Cuizhu frowned and said with a smile: "No, this is a gift from Madam, there is only one."

Xiao He was envious in her heart, she had been working in Xue's residence for quite a long time, when did she get such a reward?
Xiao He said again: "Madam is really kind to you."

Cuizhu smiled even more happily: "That's right, the master treats his wife very well, no matter where he goes on errands, he will bring many good things to his wife. These clothes were all brought back by the master when he went to the south of the Yangtze River last year. There are seven big boxes in total. , the wife is the only hostess in the mansion, she only picks out what she likes to keep, and rewards the rest to us servants."

Xiao He was even more envious: "No wonder, look at the girls in your house, all of them are dressed like young ladies."

After going back and forth, the chatterbox opened up, and Xiao He took the opportunity to ask: "I heard that the emperor has also been ill recently, and he hasn't visited the court for a long time, and the prince didn't go to the palace, isn't it boring to stay in the mansion all day?"

Cui Zhu sighed, and said: "The prince locked himself in the study room for two days and two nights a few days ago, no one was allowed to enter, he was so haggard, Madam cried so many times because of this matter."

Xiao He asked again: "Did he get sick after he came out?"

Cuizhu shook her head: "No, I heard that the prince burned a lot of paintings that he drew before. Although he looked haggard after coming out, he looked the same as usual, but he always felt that there was something different, so I couldn't tell."

Xue Baozhen's frown became tighter and tighter, she didn't expect Zheng Zhongwen to react so strongly to Qi Rongyue's death.

Xiao He looked back at the young lady, saw that the young lady's complexion was not good, and asked Cuizhu in a low voice: "Sister, what was the relationship between your prince and Princess Huguo before?"

Cuizhu shook her head: "I'm not too sure about that, I just remember that Princess Huguo has only been to Yongping Hou's Mansion once before, and she has never been to the Duke's Mansion now, but the prince often visits the palace. she."

"Then the prince locked himself in the study this time because of the death of Princess Huguo?"

Cui Zhu glanced sideways at Xiao He, feeling that she was asking too many questions, and she was not familiar with her, so she had already said all that could be said, and if she continued, it would be a taboo, she dared not.

Cuizhu shook her head: "I'm just a servant, I don't know what the master is thinking, but if you really want to find out, you might as well ask Sangui, he knows everything about the prince very well."

(End of this chapter)

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