Chapter 779

Chapter 783

He also raised this question to the emperor, but the emperor took out another secret letter, which was sent back by a secret agent placed in the palace of the Zhou Dynasty by the Chu Dynasty. Much the same.

The emperor also submitted the letter of credence to the Zhou Dynasty to welcome back the body of Princess Huguo, but was refuted by Zhou An. He refused, even if she died, he would not let her return to her hometown.

But he is not even qualified to visit her grave.


"Master, why did the carriage stop?" Qi Rongyue opened her sleepy eyes and asked Jian Yun who was beside her.

Jian Yun frowned, and said in a deep voice, "There is a situation."

Qi Rongyue sat up quickly, touched the dagger under the pillow with one hand, and listened carefully to the movement outside.

The driver outside shouted: "Go away, go away quickly." Then there was a sound of beating.

Jian Yun pushed open the door of the carriage, and saw that the coachman was twisting and swaying constantly, patting his shoulders with his hands.

"What's wrong?" Jian Yun asked.

The coachman yelled: "A little white beast got into my clothes, hurry up, help me get it out quickly."

Jian Yun swept his back, and she saw a bulge on his back, and the bulge was still moving, and the coachman couldn't hit it every time he slapped it.

She shot like lightning. She thought she could hit it with one blow, but unexpectedly, the bulge seemed to be moving slowly, but it avoided her hand very deftly. thing.

Jian Yun simply tore off the driver's clothes, revealing the snow-white little guy under the thin fabric.

Qi Rongyue leaned forward and stared at the little guy twice. The little guy was only the size of a palm, covered with white fluff like snowballs, pointed ears like a pair of cat ears, and a pair of black eyeballs. He stared at them round and round.

Qi Rongyue fell in love with this little guy immediately, and said with a smile, "What kind of little beast is this?"

Jian Yun shook her head: "I don't know, I've never seen it before." She reached out to catch it again, but she couldn't hold the little guy right in front of her eyes, and the little guy kept moving around on that person's back , so that Jian Yun would not touch a single fluff of it.

Jian Yun is in a hurry.Rolling up the sleeves: "Hey, I don't believe it, I can't hold you little thing."

At this stall, Qi Rongyue stepped forward and stretched out his hand to the little guy, but the little guy didn't hide, stared at Qi Rongyue with blinking round eyes, and let it be held in his hand.

Jian Yun was dumbfounded: "How did you do it?"

Qi Rongyue shrugged: "It's nothing, just reach out and grab it."

Jian Yun reached out to take the little beast in her hand, but the little beast dexterously avoided her again, and dodged in Qi Rongyue's hand, but it didn't let Jian Yun succeed.

Qi Rongyue couldn't help laughing: "Master, don't waste your efforts, I don't think it is going to let you touch it."

Jian Yun withdrew her hand, eyes full of curiosity: "This little thing is so powerful, I can't even touch it."

Qi Rongyue touched the little guy's head, and said with a smile: "I think it's quite docile." She turned her head and looked at the mountain beside her, and said, "It must be hungry, so it ran out of this mountain. There is still something to eat, give it some."

Jian Yun nodded: "Okay, I'll get it for it right now."

Jian Yun got in, and came out after a while, holding a piece of jerky and a corn cake in his hand.

She waved the tortilla in front of the little beast first: "Do you want to eat this?"

(End of this chapter)

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