Chapter 780 Little Beast
Chapter 784

The little beast sniffed it first, then shook its head with a look of disdain. It sniffed hard, and fixed its eyes on Jian Yun's other hand.

Jian Yun took out the jerky from the other hand, and handed it to the little beast. This time, the little beast didn't even hear it, and just put it in his mouth, and swallowed it in three or five mouthfuls. The beast didn't seem to be full after eating, so he sniffed vigorously with his nose, as if he could smell the aroma of food in the carriage, and looked up at Qi Rongyue expectantly.

Jian Yun said with a smile: "This little thing has to make an inch."

"Master, give it some more, it must be very hungry." Qi Rongyue touched the little guy's fluffy head and said with a smile.

Jian Yun said: "It's not impossible." After she finished speaking, she stretched out her palm and said to the little guy, "Come to me if you want to eat."

The little guy had a perplexed look on his cute little face, wondering if he should give up his principles for a little food.

The more Jian Yun looked at it, the more interesting it became, and he smiled and said, "How about it? Do you want to eat? If you want to eat, come here, but if you don't come, don't even think about eating again."

Hearing Jian Yun's words, the little guy glared at her with contempt, and then looked at Qi Rongyue pitifully.

Qi Rongyue's heart softened, and she said to Jian Yun: "Master, why are you making things difficult for it, give it some food, it's still hungry now."

Jian Yun pouted: "Okay, okay, for your sake, give it some more."

Jian Yun fetched another large piece of jerky, and the little guy was satisfied only after eating all of it.

Qi Rongyue put it on the shaft of the car, patted it on the back: "Go home quickly."

The little guy shook his head, and suddenly jumped into Qi Rongyue's arms, and found the most comfortable position to lie down, with a look of reliance on her.

"It seems that this little guy doesn't want to leave." Jian Yun stretched out his hand, wanting to touch it.

Unexpectedly, although the little guy had his eyes closed, he felt that someone's hand was about to move it, so he immediately moved his body to avoid Jian Yun's hand.

Jian Yun was speechless: "How much does this little thing hate me? Even when I'm asleep, I have to avoid me."

"Master, can we take it with us?"

Jian Yun rolled her eyes: "Will you agree if I say no? Will it leave if I say no?"

Qi Rongyue touched the little guy's body, smiled and pulled the master into the carriage, and the carriage started on the road again.

Jian Yun glanced at the terrain outside, and said with a smile: "After passing this mountain, drive another [-] miles to the capital, and we will reach the capital tomorrow morning at the latest. Where are you going?"

She smiled: "Of course I'm going to the Duke's Mansion." She was three months pregnant, and her slender waist was a bit thicker. If she didn't look carefully, she really didn't look like she was pregnant.

"In their eyes, you are a dead person, what can you do if you scare them?"

Qi Rongyue covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "It's broad daylight, could it be that they still think it's haunted? Well, master, don't tease me. It's thanks to you that I can come back. From now on, Zhongwen and I will And our children will definitely honor you well, and we will never be separated again."

Jian Yun nodded: "This is what you said, and you must never go back on it. If you can't do it, hum, see how I can deal with you." There was a broken light in her eyes, shining brightly, with expectations for the future, Longing for a happy life.

In Kyoto, there is another man waiting for her, waiting for her to go back and start a new life together.

(End of this chapter)

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