Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 781 It's her, it must be her.

Chapter 781 It's her, it must be her.

Chapter 785

With the capital city in front of us, the two masters became nervous, one was timid due to the closeness to the hometown, the other was excited.

Even though it was autumn, the morning sun was still bright and warm. The carriage slowly entered, and the city of Kyoto was still as crowded and lively as they remembered. The two simply got out of the carriage and walked. After sitting in the carriage for many days, they hadn't exercised their muscles.

Passing by a tailor shop, Jian Yun looked at the clothes inside, and hurriedly grabbed Qi Rongyue's hand and went in.

"Master, I don't have time to buy clothes now, so let's go."

Jian Yun shook her head: "Why are you in a hurry, look at how beautiful the clothes of this child are, and I don't know if it is a boy or a girl. In this way, I will buy a few sets of each, and when the time comes, no matter whether it is a boy or a girl, it will look good." Useful."

Jian Yun smiled from ear to ear, really wishing that Rong Yue would have a baby tomorrow.

Qi Rongyue couldn't resist her, so she could only follow her. After picking and picking for a while, while the shopkeeper was packing things, she looked around and found that the street outside was very lively today, so she asked the shopkeeper: "Is there any happy event in the city today? Why are there so many people guarding the street?"

The shopkeeper smiled and said, "Of course there is a happy event. It is a great happy event to marry the king side by side. Everyone is waiting for the rewards to be distributed when the wedding procession passes by."

Qi Rongyue was stunned, and then asked again, "The side-by-side king you said, but Zheng Zhongwen?"

The shopkeeper nodded: "Of course it's him, we don't have a second side-by-side king in the Chu Dynasty."

Jian Yun smiled dryly: "Boss, are you kidding? How is this possible? How could the King of Side-by-Shoulders suddenly get married at this time."

The shopkeeper said: "What did I lie to you for? Listen, the sound of firecrackers is coming. The procession to welcome the bride must have already arrived. If you don't believe me, go and have a look."

Jian Yun turned around and was about to leave when the shopkeeper shouted, "Hey, haven't you paid me yet?"

Jian Yun threw back the baggage in his hand, "No more." After saying that, she dragged Qi Rongyue, who was stunned, out of the tailor shop, and stood at a corner of the side street.

Jian Yun was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said, "If it's really that kid Zhong Wen, I will never forgive him."

Qi Rongyue didn't make a sound the whole time, just staring at the distance, the man who was riding a tall horse and dressed in happy clothes, was driving the horse, walking step by step.

She stood in a corner, an inconspicuous corner, a corner that was almost submerged by the crowd, while he, with the most eye-catching posture, walked on the widest and most conspicuous road.

The burning sensation in her chest, as he approached step by step, made her almost unable to stand still.

On the other hand, Zheng Zhongwen, who was holding the rein, suddenly grabbed the clothes on his chest. The pain that was originally faint suddenly became severe, and as the horse moved forward step by step, the pain became more and more intense.

He is no stranger to this feeling. During the Zhou Dynasty, when Qi Rongyue and Zhou An ascended the throne hand in hand, he had tasted this feeling when she approached him step by step. He had also tasted this feeling in the Eastern Palace. Before he hugged her into his arms, he also tasted this feeling, as if only when she was by his side, his heart would hurt like this.

He stopped his horse suddenly and looked around frantically.

Suddenly, his gaze was fixed in a corner, and he saw those familiar eyes. Although the face was unfamiliar, those eyes, those eyes that went back and forth in his mind countless times every day and night.

It was her, it must be her.

(End of this chapter)

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