Chapter 782 It's okay?
Chapter 786

He got off his horse and rushed towards the crowd. The people thought that the groom was going to give them a reward, so they pushed forward one after another, blocking his way. When he finally got to the place where he saw those eyes, the man was no longer there. .

He clutched his chest like crazy and searched around, but there was no trace of her. The pain in his chest also gradually weakened. It was her, it must be her.

"My lord, what's the matter with you? The auspicious time is about to pass, so hurry up and get on your horse."

Zheng Zhongwen got on the horse obediently, but he didn't continue to meet his relatives. He tore off the big red flower on his body, threw it on the ground, turned his horse's head and walked away.

"My lord, where are you going, my lord? You can't miss the auspicious time." Zheng Zhongwen turned a deaf ear and rode his horse all the way. Since he woke up, he has never been so anxious as he is now. He really wants to give birth immediately. A pair of wings, fly wherever he wants to go.

Wan Zhai
"Open the door."

The door of the mansion opened, and when the old man who watched the door saw Zheng Zhongwen, he immediately smiled and said, "My lord? Why are you here? Isn't today a happy day for you to get married?"

The old man looked at Zheng Zhongwen with a familiar face, and spoke more casually, obviously they knew each other before.

Zheng Zhongwen immediately asked: "Is Master Jian back?"

The old man shook his head: "No, Master Jian hasn't come back since he went to the Zhou Dynasty. Are you looking for Master Jian, my lord?"

Zheng Zhongwen frowned, and asked again: "Is Mr. Wan there?"

The old man nodded: "Yes, it's in the south courtyard, do you want to come in?"

He nodded, saw the old man opened the door wide, and strode in immediately.

He walked fast all the way without letting anyone lead the way, and he didn't have the impression of Wanzhai in his mind, but he just knew where the South Courtyard was.

Mr. Wan was practicing boxing with the nurse in the courtyard. When he saw Zheng Zhongwen coming over, he was surprised, "Zhongwen? Why are you here? Aren't you married today?"

Zhongwen didn't answer his question, he stood in the yard and took a deep breath, the pain in his chest didn't intensify, it was just a dull pain like usual, isn't she here?

Mr. Wan walked up to Zheng Zhongwen, reached out and patted him on the shoulder: "What's wrong with you? What happened?"

Zheng Zhongwen turned his eyes to Mr. Wan, and said word by word, "Mr. Wan, I asked you something, and you must answer me truthfully, without any concealment."

Mr. Wan nodded, "Okay, you ask."

"Master Jian has come back?"

Mr. Wan shook his head: "No reply, but I think it should be soon."

"Have you communicated with Master Jian?"

He shook his head again: "There is no correspondence, she said that she will bring Rongyue back, and as soon as the matter is done, she will come back."

Zheng Zhongwen became a little excited: "So, what do you mean, Qi Rongyue didn't die at all?"

Mr. Wan shrugged: "I don't know what happened to Rongyue in the Zhou Dynasty, but I believe in Jian Yun. She said she would bring Rongyue back, so she would definitely bring her back. Therefore, I never believed that Rongyue would die. "He raised his eyebrows and looked at Zheng Zhongwen: "Is it too late for you to ask these questions now? You are about to become someone else's husband, and even if Rong Yue comes back in the future, it has nothing to do with you."

Zheng Zhongwen's eyes immediately turned red: "It doesn't matter? Hmph—don't let me see her, otherwise, I have the final say on whether it will matter or not." He couldn't tell what was going on in his heart, whether it was joy or sorrow.

He stared at Mr. Wan with a pair of red eyes: "Why do you think she is willing to give up her honor as a queen, or even give up her status as a princess protecting the country to come back here?"

(End of this chapter)

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