Chapter 783 Wedding Cancellation
Chapter 787

Mr. Wan rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Because she is Qi Rongyue, power, fame and wealth have never been in her eyes, she only does what she wants to do and thinks she must do, and stays in Zhou Dynasty. , It must be a helpless move, coming back is her only way, you forgot everything, I don't blame you, but I remind you, don't make any decisions that you will regret in the future."

Zheng Zhongwen didn't care about these things at this time, he just wanted to find that woman quickly.

"Where will she go if she comes back?" he asked.

Mr. Wan said: "Based on what I know about her, if she comes back, she will definitely look for you first. I hope she doesn't come back today. If it happens to be today, she learns that you are going to marry another woman—"

Seeing that he had cut off the conversation, Zheng Zhongwen immediately became anxious, "Go on."

Mr. Wan sighed, and said: "She is a person who values ​​love and righteousness, and at the same time is a stubborn and vengeful girl. You are his favorite man. If she finds out that you are going to marry another woman, I reckon she will I will never appear in front of you again for the rest of my life."

Speaking of this, Mr. Wan suddenly realized: "You ask me like this, do you have the news that she has returned to Beijing?"

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "I just saw a man on the street. I have never seen that face before. It is not Qi Rongyue's face, but his eyes are exactly the same as Qi Rongyue's."

Mr. Wan was also overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Jian Yun's disguise technique is very powerful, if she really brings Rongyue back, it must be Yirong returning to Beijing, otherwise Rongyue's identity will be exposed, Zhou An will also I won’t let it go, it seems that they are really back.”

Zheng Zhongwen grabbed Mr. Wan's arm: "Where are they? You really don't know at all?"

Mr. Wan shook his head: "If I knew, would I still be able to stay here? Rong Yue is your favorite woman, and Jian Yun is also the love of my life. I look forward to her coming back sooner every day. By my side, if I know that she is back, can I still sit still?"

Zheng Zhongwen let go of his hand dejectedly, his eyes were full of anger, and he didn't know where to vent the anger in his heart.

This woman, who was clearly not dead, refused to send him any news, causing him to be sad for so long, and even set up this nasty marriage.

"My lord, my lord, I found you, I knew you were here." Sangui rushed to his side panting.

Mr. Wan glanced at Zheng Zhongwen, and snorted, "Take your prince away quickly, or it will be too late for the auspicious time."

Mr. Sangui Chaowan laughed twice: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the prince ran away suddenly for some reason, and I'll take him away."

Mr. Wan hummed, but remained silent.

Sangui Chao Zheng Zhongwen said: "My lord, my wife ordered me to chase you back to meet your relatives. This matter cannot be delayed any longer."

Zheng Zhongwen frowned, glared at him, and directly took off the wedding dress on his body, and threw it on the ground: "You go and inform them that the wedding is cancelled."

Sangui was dumbfounded, and stayed there until Zheng Zhongwen was far away. He asked Mr. Wan, "Mr. Wan, what's wrong with my lord? Why don't we get married if we can't get married?"

Mr. Wan shrugged: "Go and ask him, I don't know anything."

Sangui had no choice but to chase after his lord's footsteps. As soon as he went out, he only saw a figure in the shape of a fast horse. He hurriedly chased him, and he chased him all the way to the gate of the palace, but he couldn't get in anymore. He could only watch helplessly. Seeing his prince disappear in front of his eyes, what should he do?Do you really want to go back and send a message to Madam?
(End of this chapter)

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