Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 784 Didn't die at all?

Chapter 784 Didn't die at all?
Chapter 788

Imperial study room

"Your Majesty, stand shoulder to shoulder with the king to see you."

Chu Tianqi raised his eyes, his face was haggard, and his delicate brows were raised together: "What is he doing now? Isn't he asking for leave today to get married?"

The eunuch shook his head: "The side-by-side king's complexion doesn't look good."

"Show him in." Chu Tianqi threw the memorial in his hand on the imperial table, and took a sip of the tea beside him.

As soon as Zheng Zhongwen entered the imperial study, his eyes glanced around, but he didn't see the person he wanted to see, and the pain in his chest didn't change at all.

Chu Tianqi asked curiously, "What are you looking for?"

Zheng Zhongwen took a few steps forward and asked Chu Tianqi: "Your Majesty, tell me honestly, has Qi Rongyue returned to the palace?"

Chu Tianqi frowned: "What do you mean by that? Explain clearly."

"Your Majesty, did you already know that Qi Rongyue is not dead at all?" Although Zheng Zhongwen tried his best to suppress his anger, his tone of voice still revealed strong dissatisfaction.

Chu Tianqi stood up together, his thin and tall body quickly walked out from behind the imperial table, and quickly came to Zheng Zhongwen's body, and asked urgently: "Are you serious? My imperial sister is not dead?"

Zheng Zhongwen was slightly stunned: "Your Majesty, you really don't know?"

Chu Tianqi was a little annoyed: "Do you think I know what I'm doing? If I knew that Sister Huang was not dead, would I acquiesce in allowing you to marry someone else?"

These words seem to make sense, Chu Tianqi wholeheartedly protects Qi Rongyue, if he knew she was not dead, how could he agree to marry Xue Baozhen.

"Quickly tell me clearly, where did you meet Huang Jie?" Chu Tianqi was extremely happy, and the haze that had accumulated in his heart for a long time disappeared at this moment.

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "I'm not sure if it's her, I just feel like it's her."

Hearing his details, Chu Tianqi felt a little disappointed, but at the same time, there was also a sliver of hope rising, as long as Sister Huang didn't die, as long as Sister Huang came back, she would definitely come to see him.

Zheng Zhongwen also thought of this, and he said to Chu Tianqi: "Your Majesty, I beg you for one thing."

Chu Tianqi nodded: "You say."

"If Qi Rongyue comes to see you in the palace, you must keep her and send someone to notify me immediately, so that she cannot escape again."

escape?This is her home, the place where she was born and raised, why did she run away?

Seeing his sincere expression, Chu Tianqi couldn't bear to refuse, so he nodded, "Okay, I promise you."

"However, aren't you getting married today? I'm afraid it's too late for the auspicious time."

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "The wedding has been cancelled. I will not get married until I find out the truth of the matter."

Chu Tianqi nodded, and sighed again: "You guys are too anxious, if what you see on the street today is really Huang Jie, with her temper, she will never see you again."

Zheng Zhongwen didn't say anything, and said goodbye to Chu Tianqi and left the palace. After returning to the mansion, he immediately sent all the people he could send to search for her and Jian Yun's whereabouts in the capital city.

The result is still nothing.

Knowing that Zheng Zhongwen had returned to the palace, Zheng Xiuwu and his wife rushed over immediately and blocked him in the study.

"Zhongwen, tell me quickly, what happened, why did you suddenly cancel the wedding?" Mrs. Zheng was worried all day long, and she was also full of anger, but seeing her son's distraught appearance, no matter how serious she was, Can't say it.

Zheng Zhongwen looked up at his parents who were close in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Rong Yue is not dead, she is back."

Both Zheng Xiuwu and Mrs. Zheng's expressions changed greatly: "What did you say? Rongyue didn't die? How is this possible? I have seen the credential of the Zhou Dynasty with my own eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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