Chapter 788

Chapter 792

Zheng Zhongwen remained silent, walking along the dark road, and stopped at the entrance of a large medicine hall. Tianhu hurriedly looked up: "Renhe Hall?"

"This is Renhe Hall, not Rongyu Hall." Tianhu said.

Zheng Zhongwen turned around slowly, looking at the other side of the long street, the place across the street from the gate of Renhetang.

Seeing him staring at the opposite side, Tianhu asked in a daze, "On the opposite side?"

Zheng Zhongwen finally nodded, with a dazed expression: "It should be, it should be here."

Without any hesitation, he strode across the wide long street and stood under the shop across the street.

Both of them raised their heads in unison, looking at the three large characters that flashed in golden light in the night: "Rong Yu Tang."

"Sure enough, it's here. You kid still said that you don't remember the way, so you can find it now?"

Zheng Zhongwen said: "I really don't remember, I don't have any impression in my mind, but I can feel a kind of traction in the dark."

Tianhu took a sip: "Come on, don't talk so mysteriously, since you're here, let's go in." Then, he took out the dagger and slashed his arm, blood gushed out immediately.

Zheng Zhongwen asked in surprise: "What are you doing?"

Tianhu gave him a white look: "You boy, this is a medical clinic, not a makeup shop. If you don't have any injuries, can you call the door casually at night? People think we are robbing houses."

As Tianhu said, he stepped forward to knock on the door, and soon someone inside asked, "Who?"

Tianhu made a painful look: "Oh, my arm is injured, open the door quickly."

There were hurried footsteps inside, and the door was quickly opened. A young man in his early twenties came out, looked at the two of them, saw that Tianhu was indeed injured on his arm, and said, "Come in, please."

The two of them followed him into the inner hall, the hall was very spacious, two lamps were lit, not very bright, the light was dim.

Tianhu asked: "Quickly call your doctor out."

The young man said: "I'm really sorry, the doctor has gone out for a visit and may not be able to come back later. I don't think your injury is too serious. I also learned some bandaging techniques from the doctor. I will give you medicine."

Tianhu took a look at Zheng Zhongwen, saw that his eyes were elsewhere, and ignored him at all, so he nodded to the young man: "It's fine, wrap it up first, so as not to bleed too much later, my My little life has been confessed."

The young man smiled and said: "You worry too much, this is a minor injury, even if you die today, it is impossible to hurt your life."

At this time, a small figure stood at the dark stairway, and shouted down in a childish voice: "Mother, mother."

The young man hurriedly turned his head and shouted: "Miss, don't move, don't move."

But before the young man finished speaking, the little guy stretched out a leg and stepped on it, which scared the young man out of his wits.

It was too late and then soon, Zheng Zhongwen flew up, stepped on the wooden escalator, and rushed forward to catch the little man who fell straight down.

The little man's body was limp, and when he was hugged in his arms, the scent of milk filled his nostrils. A pair of beautiful big eyes stared blankly at him, full of curiosity, but he was not afraid of him at all.

He fell in love with this little girl immediately. When he looked at her, it felt as if the softness somewhere in his heart had been hit hard. He hugged her in his arms, and he didn't want to let go.

The young man rushed upstairs, reaching out to take the little lady.

(End of this chapter)

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