Chapter 789 I Want My Daddy

Chapter 793

"Oh, my little ancestor, didn't you tell you to stay in the room obediently and not come out? Why are you disobedient? If you really fall, how can I explain to your mother?" He broke out in a cold sweat , My legs are still shaking.

The strange thing is that the little lady refused to let him hug her, and she still nestled in the arms of this strange man and refused to come out.

Zheng Zhongwen went downstairs with the child in his arms, went to the lamp and looked at her little face, he looked at her, she looked at him, eyes met, the little guy suddenly called out "Daddy".

The two present were so shocked that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear.

The young man was extremely embarrassed, he stepped forward to hug the little lady, but Zheng Zhongwen turned his body and refused, he asked the little guy, "Don't you even know your father?"

The little guy blinked his eyes and suddenly smiled: "You are my father, I recognize you."

The young man was very anxious, and said to Zheng Zhongwen: "I'm really sorry, my little lady was not like this before, and I don't know what's wrong now, maybe she was frightened just now, you should give her to me."

He stretched out his hand again, this time, Zheng Zhongwen didn't dodge, but the little guy hugged Zheng Zhongwen vigorously and refused to let go: "I don't want you, you go away, I want my daddy."

Zheng Zhongwen was amused, and asked with a smile: "Do I look like your father?"

The little guy nodded: "Like, you are my daddy, I want to tell mother that the daddy in the painting has come out."

Zheng Zhongwen's chest suddenly began to ache, that kind of intense pain that made him unable to breathe smoothly, a pain that he had never felt again in those two years.

He turned around with the child in his arms, staring at the half-open door, the sound of soft footsteps was so familiar.

With that footsteps, every time he took a step closer to him, he could feel more intense pain.

Is it her, is she here?Could it be that she has been in Jincheng for the past two years?
In the blink of an eye, a veiled woman stepped in, and the girl behind her was carrying a medicine box. She saw Zheng Zhongwen holding the child at a glance, and her body froze in place, unable to move.

Their eyes met, he saw surprise in her eyes, and she saw surprise in his eyes.

"Mother, mother——" the little guy wriggled in Zheng Zhongwen's arms, struggling to jump down, and Zheng Zhongwen had to put her down first.

The little guy couldn't walk very steadily, but he ran very fast, and ran to his mother's body in three steps and two steps.

She picked up the child, lowered her eyes, and walked upstairs without saying a word.

The little guy nestled in her arms, and said softly, "Mother, I saw Daddy, look, this is Daddy."

She covered the child's mouth with her hand and said in a low voice, "Don't talk nonsense, come back with me."

She raised her foot and wanted to go upstairs, but Zheng Zhongwen stopped in front of her: "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

She didn't look at him, her eyes fell elsewhere: "This young man is really funny, you and I have never met, how can I have something to say to you?"

Have never met before?He laughed, silently.

Suppressing the pain, he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Qi Rongyue, you said we have never met before?"

Her eyes were still looking away: "My lord, I have identified the wrong person. My surname is Chu, not the Qi Rongyue you mentioned."

"Really?" He sneered: "If that's the case, why don't you dare to look at me? You look at me, look at me and say that you are not Qi Rongyue, that you don't know me, Zheng Zhongwen."

(End of this chapter)

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