Chapter 790 Chu Nianwen

Chapter 794

She turned her head slowly, looked at him with clear eyes, complex emotions flashed in her eyes: "I'm not Qi Rongyue, I don't know you, can I step aside now?"

The young man who was stunned for a while stepped forward quickly, and said to Zheng Zhongwen: "Master, you must have misunderstood the person. My lady's surname is Chu, not Miss Qi as you mentioned. Please step aside, sir."

Zheng Zhongwen refused to let him go, his body was like an iron wall, he pointed to the child in her arms and asked, "Why did she call me Daddy?"

She frowned: "Tong Yan Wuji, you don't want to be serious with a child, are you? She calls everyone Daddy when she sees her. If everyone cares about you like you, then we don't know how many people like you will be in Rongyu Hall every day." people."

Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, he shot like lightning and tore off the veil on her face. Sure enough, as he expected, she changed her face again. It was exactly the same as the face she saw on the street in Beijing two years ago, but her eyes were different. It's still Qi Rongyue's eyes, no matter how she pretends or quibbles, it won't help, the pain in his heart will not lie.

"Do you know why I am so sure that you are Qi Rongyue?" He asked.

She was silent.

He pointed to his chest, where there was a scar, an indelible scar in this lifetime.

"Because it hurts here, every time I think of you, it hurts here, but that kind of pain is different from the pain now, the closer you are to me, the more painful it is for me, just like someone stabbed me with a knife, you can Yirong, you can still change your voice, you can even change your name incognito, but the pain in my chest will not change, and I can't deceive anyone."

Just like the imprint on her chest is on fire, the closer she is to him, the more intense the burning sensation will be.

She didn't dare to look at him again, lowered her eyes, and pushed him away: "I don't know what you are talking about." She quickly went upstairs with the child in her arms, and locked herself and the child in the room with a bang , never come out again.

Tianhu on the side was stunned for a long time, until Miss Ren left, and then said to Zheng Zhongwen: "Could she be your fiancée who ran away?"

Zheng Zhongwen ignored him, and asked the young man directly, "How long has she been in Jincheng?"

The young man was also stunned by the situation just now, and he didn't know whether to say anything at this time, so he turned around and walked away as if he didn't hear his question.

"Hey—don't go, my arm injury hasn't healed yet." Tianhu shouted at the young man.

The young man was helpless, turned back again, and led Tianhu into the cubicle.

Half an hour later, Tianhu came out, the wound on his arm had been bandaged, he walked towards Zheng Zhongwen with a proud face, pulled him to the corner, and said in a low voice: "I've already found out for you, the stunned young man just now It was Rong Yu Tang who came a year ago, Miss Chu was already there when he came, the child was only half a year old at that time, now he is one and a half years old, and he has never seen her father appear before."

Seeing that Zheng Zhongwen was silent, Tianhu said mysteriously: "I also asked the child's name, what do you think it is?"

Zheng Zhongwen looked at him with raised eyebrows: "What's your name?"

"Nianwen, Chu Nianwen. You said that the text you read is your Zheng Zhongwen's text?"

Zheng Zhongwen's heart skipped a beat, what did he just say?The child is one and a half years old?If so, wouldn't it be conceived when he went to the Zhou Dynasty?Is it his child?

His heart was beating wildly, and he rushed upstairs. There were five rooms in a row upstairs, and he went straight to the middle one, which was familiar as if he had been there countless times.

(End of this chapter)

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