Chapter 791
Chapter 795

He knocked on the door, and his voice was as deep as a cow: "Open the door."

No one inside responded to him.

He continued to knock on the door, "Qi Rongyue, I'll say it again, open the door immediately, don't force me to break in."

His continuous knocking on the door and his high-pitched voice frightened Xiao Nianwen inside to cry.

Qi Rongyue said in a deep voice, "You're scaring the child."

He stopped and knocked on the door, listening to Xiao Nianwen's crying in the room, his heart was about to break, and through the door, his voice immediately became soft again: "Nianwen, Daddy didn't mean to be loud , Daddy is too anxious, you let your mother come out, Daddy has something to say to your mother."

Xiao Nianwen stopped crying and raised her eyes to look at her mother, but her mother didn't make a sound, she pursed her lips and was about to cry again, Qi Rongyue hurriedly patted her on the back: "Okay, okay, Don't cry, little thing, it's been a waste of raising you for so long, seeing the difference and wanting to change, like the new and dislike the old, right?"

Xiao Nianwen laughed through tears: "Daddy, Daddy, Wen'er wants Daddy."

She sighed, based on what she knew about Zhongwen, he would not let him go easily with such a temperament. If he didn't have a good talk with him today, he might stand outside this door all night, even It will be the same as before, through the window and in.

She put the text in her arms on the bed, got up and went to open the door.

The door opened, and he stepped in. Before he could see Qi Rongyue clearly, Xiao Nianwen on the bed opened his arms towards him: "Daddy, hug him."

Zhongwen hurried forward to pick up Nianwen and held him tightly in his arms. Seeing that the little guy had somewhat similar eyebrows and eyes, when his eyes became hot, tears rolled down. This is his daughter, he His flesh and blood flowed through his body, no wonder he fell in love with her as soon as he saw her.

The white and tender little hands touched Zhongwen's face, and the palms were wet. His delicate brows frowned: "Daddy is crying, Daddy is crying."

Qi Rongyue at the side also shed tears. She thought that their father and daughter would never see each other again in this lifetime, but she did not expect to meet so soon.

Zhongwen kissed Xiao Nianwen on the cheek and said with a smile: "Daddy doesn't cry, Daddy is a man, don't cry."

Xiao Nianwen was stubbled by his stubble and giggled straight away. The silver bell-like laughter, like the most beautiful voice in the world, penetrated into his ears and into his heart. He never thought about it. It was absurd to bring him such a treasure.

"Read Wen, tell Daddy, how did you recognize Daddy at a glance?" Zhongwen asked with a smile.

Xiao Nianwen's body twisted twice in his arms, wanting to get off the ground, although he was reluctant to give up, he still put her down lightly, Xiao Nianwen took his hand and walked to the corner of the room, where there was a A desk, with a painting jar on the side of the desk, with many picture scrolls inserted in it.

Xiao Nianwen pointed to the painting vat and said, "There are so many daddies, so many daddies."

Zheng Zhongwen seemed to understand what was going on. He used paintings to send lovesickness back then, and his paintings were no less than this one.

He reached out to get the painting, but Qi Rongyue rushed forward to block his hand: "Don't look at it."

Zheng Zhongwen snorted softly, leaned over and picked up Xiao Nianwen, placed her on the bed, turned around and walked in front of Qi Rongyue, stretched out his hand and grabbed her wrist: "I want to see, can you stop it? "

Qi Rongyue frowned: "If you don't try, how will you know you won't be able to stop him?" Her other hand was already attacking his handsome face, threateningly.

But he didn't dodge or dodge, his clear eyes stared at hers, and his fist stopped in front of his eyes, only half an inch away.

(End of this chapter)

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