Chapter 792 Never Parting Again
Chapter 796

Her eyes were full of annoyance: "Why don't you hide?"

"Then why don't you fight?" He clasped her hand, pulled her forward, and pulled her into his arms. The severe pain in her chest disappeared when she threw herself into his arms no trace.

It seems that she is not only the poison to harm him, but also the good medicine to save him!

She was flushed with embarrassment, and wanted to break free from his embrace, but she was held tightly by his iron-like hands, unable to move at all.

"Rongyue, don't move." His voice was very low, but it seemed to have magical power, which made the writhing and struggling body stop all movements. He hugged her, the satisfaction in his heart was indescribable, as if there was something missing in his soul. Part of it came back at this moment.

"Rongyue, Qi Rongyue, don't leave me again, don't disappear again, don't make my heart hurt again, I can't bear it again." His lips were right next to her ear, and although his voice was low, he did not say a single word It got into her ears, and the tears rolled down again. His heart ached, so why not her? If he hadn't already had a wife, how could she be willing to leave him.

"Rongyue, I'm sorry, I got engaged to someone else without waiting for you to come back. I thought, I thought at the time - no matter what, it was all my fault, give me another chance, I will make it up to you, our family, never Let's not separate, okay?"

Speaking of the latter, his voice was trembling, he was afraid of hearing her rejection.

"Zhongwen, you already have a wife, and I have a dead identity in the Zhou Kingdom. No matter when, my identity cannot be made public. I—"

He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Fool, don't you know that I didn't marry her at all?"

She looked up in astonishment, and looked at the man with a bitter smile in front of her: "You didn't marry her? But you were going to greet her that day, I saw it with my own eyes."

"That's right, I was going to greet my relatives that day. At that time, I didn't understand my own intentions. I couldn't tell whether I hated you or loved you. Every time I thought of you as the queen of Zhou An, I thought of you as someone else. I was so jealous that I was the wife of a man who was your husband, I couldn’t distinguish between love and hate, and my mother cried in front of me every day. I had no choice but to agree to the marriage. Later, when the news of your death came from the Zhou Dynasty, I was heartbroken. Feeling cold, I just want to leave a little blood for the Zheng family, and then go to Zhou Dynasty to accompany you, but who knows, I saw you on the way to meet my relatives. Although you have changed, I still recognize you at a glance. I lost you, you are still alive, do you know how I felt at that time?"

"So you regret your marriage?" She raised her eyebrows.

He nodded: "I regret the marriage, I didn't go to greet you, I searched all over the capital city looking for you, but I still couldn't find you."

Qi Rongyue was a little guilty, and asked again: "Then Miss Xue let you delay for nothing? Can the Xue family agree?"

Zhongwen sighed again: "They just don't agree, they go to the Duke's mansion every day to go to the royal mansion to make a fuss, even to the imperial court, the emperor is also very embarrassed, so I simply asked for an order to go to Xijiang to fight, and this has just pacified Xijiang. I am preparing to return to Beijing to be sealed."

Qi Rongyue came to a sudden: "No wonder you are with General Tianhu."

Zhong Wen tightened his arms around her waist, and said in a deep voice, "So, can you still blame me?"

Qi Rongyue lowered her head and pressed her forehead against his chest: "I never blamed you, never."

He grinned, revealing two rows of neat big white teeth: "In this case, would you like to bring Nian Wen back to Beijing with me?"

 Send out sugar, just ask if you are sweet or not?Do you still want to be a little sweeter?
(End of this chapter)

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