Chapter 794 Human Skin Mask
Chapter 798

She smiled: "The human skin mask made for me by the master, I can't live with my real identity now, and there are many people in Jincheng who know me, so I can't take risks." She is the "deceased" queen of the Zhou Dynasty. For her obsession, if she found out that she was still alive and escaped from the palace in that way, I really don't know what crazy move Zhou An would make.

Zhong Wen tilted his head and kissed her masked fake face, and sighed: "It's all my fault, I didn't protect you well."

She shook her head: "How can I blame you? If you hadn't blocked Frost Flood's fatal blow for me, how could I stand in front of you now?"

Speaking of this, he quickly turned her body around, stared into her eyes, and immediately blurted out the doubts that had been lingering in his heart: "Rongyue, since I woke up, I can't remember anything. I only remember the picture of you stabbing me with a knife, is that true?"

She nodded: "It's true. In order to save me, you used your own body to block the fatal blow of the cold flood. You were seriously injured. Even if it was me, I couldn't save you. So I thought of the royal family of Zhou." The jiaozhu, the jiaozhu has the effect of bringing people back to life, and when your breath is about to run out, you must pierce your heart, put the jiaozhu into your heart, and use the magical power of the jiaozhu to make you die Resurrection."

It turned out to be like this, the truth turned out to be like this, he was so stupid to think she was going to kill him.

"So, that fellow Zhou An used Jiaozhu to force you to marry him?" He gritted his teeth.

She shook her head: "It's not Zhou An, it's Zhou An's father, the old king of Zhou. Jiaozhu is the treasure of the Zhou Dynasty. It has been passed down from generation to generation. If I don't pay some price, how can he give me the Jiaozhu? He is A king who wants to have an explanation for the royal family and people of the Zhou Dynasty is also a father. He can only use this method to keep me in the Zhou Dynasty and by his son's side, and I have no choice. I can't just watch Let you die, absolutely not."

It turned out that everything was a misunderstanding, and the betrayal and fickleness that had always been deeply rooted in his heart turned out to be nothing at all.

No wonder, no wonder she was still a virgin after marrying Zhou An. She had never betrayed him, whether it was her body or her heart.

Just like him, even if he lost his memory, even if he hated her because of a misunderstanding, he never forgot her, and even still loved her deeply, and his love for her never stopped for a moment.

"From now on, we will never be separated again, never again." He bowed his head and kissed her lips. The taste of missing her day and night made his heart flutter.

"Well—don't, don't do this, the child is here." She blushed with shame, although she was already the mother of a child, she didn't have much experience in such things.

He smiled lowly and kissed her eyes: "Take off this mask, I want to see you."

She nodded, turned around and walked to the dressing table, opened the box on the table, and there were many bottles and jars inside.

He followed her to the dressing table, looked at the box full of bottles, couldn't help laughing and said: "Others' boxes are full of rouge and powder, what are you all about?"

She smiled: "Why should I be like others? I can put whatever I want." She took out a small blue and white bottle from the box, poured out a white pill from the bottle, turned around and put the pill into the water basin, and waited. After the pill melted, she dipped her face into the basin. After a few breaths, she lifted her face up, and a piece of almost transparent skin floated on the water. She took a dry cloth towel to wipe off the water droplets on her face, Zhang Jueli's face returned to his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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