Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 795 There Is a Man in Miss Chu's Room

Chapter 795 There Is a Man in Miss Chu's Room
Chapter 800

After washing and washing, she put on the human skin mask again, and the pretty woman turned into an ordinary young woman. Her dress was as plain and elegant as ever, and there was a sense of recluse and nobility when she walked. No one dared to accuse her face to face, and there was always a faint majesty in her cold eyes that could not be despised.

She is very familiar with kitchen work, especially after giving birth, she often cooks some delicious and healthy food for the child herself.

"Miss Chu, what did you put in here? It smells so good." The cook asked as she looked at the two bowls of plain noodles just out of the pot.

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly: "Secret, you help me bring these two bowls of noodles upstairs to my room, and tell the prince to let him eat first, and I will come in a while."

The cook was taken aback, lord?Which prince?King Jin?King Jin is in her room?So they spent the night together last night?

Full of doubts, the cook went upstairs with plain noodles, and when she opened the door, she saw a man lying on Miss Chu's bed, holding Miss Nianwen in her arms. As soon as she entered, the man opened his eyes to see She is really good-looking. Although her facial features are not as handsome as Jin Wang's, she exudes a heroic and masculine spirit all over her body.

Not King Jin?Which prince is he then?What's the relationship with Miss Chu?Could he be Miss Nianwen's biological father?
She put down the plain noodles, and said to the man on the bed, "My lord, Miss Chu said she would come in a while, so you can eat first."

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "Understood, you go down."

A few simple words, but there is a majesty that cannot be ignored.

The cook went down in a hurry, and happened to run into Ah Tuan who was wiping the counter, and hurriedly approached and asked, "A Tuan, there is a man in Miss Chu's room, do you know who it is?"

A Tuan looked around and saw no one, so he said in a low voice: "I saw you last night. It's not a small background. It seems that the surname is Zheng." He lowered his voice again, and leaned into the cook's ear and said : "He should be Miss Nianwen's own father. Miss Nianwen called him Daddy when she saw him last night. There must be no mistake."

The cook's eyes glowed with joy: "So, Miss Nianwen is really looking forward to her father?"

Ah Tuan is also happy. They can see how hard it is for Ms. Chu to bring a child alone. Although there is no shortage of money, but a woman with a child, if there is no man who knows how to take care of her , I don’t know how many times I cried at night.

"What are you talking about so happy." A deep voice sounded behind the two of them, and they hurriedly turned around to see the smiling King Jin.

Seeing the embarrassment on the faces of the two, Min Hengzhi raised his eyebrows and said, "Could it be that you're talking bad about me?"

Ah Tuan and the cook hurriedly waved their hands: "No, no, how dare we, we just, just chatted about some homely things."

"Really?" Min Hengzhi raised his eyebrows, although he didn't believe it, he didn't ask too much, he was not curious.

"Is your lady here?" He held a food box in his hand: "I brought her her favorite vegetarian fried rice, and the sweet milk that Lianwen loves."

The cook and A Tuan exchanged glances, and their hearts were pounding. King Jin has been taking good care of Miss Chu for the past two years. Blind people can see how much he cares for Miss Chu. Besides, King Jin has never been married. Miss Nianwen is as good as her own daughter, but it's a pity that King Xiang always has a dream, and the goddess has no heart.

Originally, they thought that as long as King Jin was willing to persist, the beauty would be able to take her back sooner or later.

But now, the rightful lord has returned, and it seems that King Jin's dream is about to come to nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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