Chapter 796 I am King Jin
Chapter 801

"What's wrong with you? What are you doing in a daze?" Min Hengzhi frowned. The two looked at him strangely, and always felt that they were looking at him with a hint of sympathy.

Ah Tuan waved his hand: "No, it's nothing, I have something else to do, I'll go get busy first." He walked away quickly with the dishcloth in his hand, and the cook didn't dare to stay any longer: "I'm still steaming steamed buns in the kitchen, let me go and see if I'm done." .”

The two ran away with oil on the soles of their feet, the more Min Hengzhi thought about it, the more he felt strange, so he went upstairs with the food box, went straight to the door of Qi Rongyue's room, and knocked on the door: "Chu Yue, it's me, are you up yet? "

No one answered him inside, so he knocked again: "Chu Yue, are you there?"

Still no one responded to him, and just as he was about to knock for the third time, the door was pulled open from the inside.

Standing in front of him was not Qi Rongyue wearing a human skin mask, but Zheng Zhongwen with a gloomy face.

He immediately frowned: "It's you? Why are you here?"

Zheng Zhongwen snorted coldly: "I should be asking you, why are you here?"

Looking at Zheng Zhongwen's appearance, it seems that he knows it. In this case, there is nothing to hide.

"This is Jincheng, and I'm the King of Jin. Is it strange that I am here? But you, the emperor summoned you and General Tianhu to Beijing to be entrusted. You are not on your way, but here, is it appropriate?"

"Even if you are King Jin, standing outside the door of other people's wives and knocking on the door, is that appropriate?"

Min Hengzhi raised his eyebrows: "Someone else's wife? This other person, is that you?"

"It's not who I am? Don't play tricks on me here. You know the matter between me and Rong Yue best. I didn't expect that you would want to take advantage of my absence—" He raised his eyebrows when he heard footsteps coming. Needless to say, the other party naturally understands the words after cutting off.

Min Hengzhi snorted, "She is my junior sister who was abandoned by a scumbag and lives alone with her child. Isn't it natural for me to take care of her?"

Zheng Zhongwen was a little annoyed, and said in a deep voice: "I don't know if she doesn't go to the capital. Do you dare to say that you haven't been to the capital in the past two years? Do you dare to say that you don't know that I went to the western Xinjiang to retire?"

Min Heng was tongue-tied, he knew it, but he didn't tell Rong Yue that he had his own selfish intentions.

"Okay, stop arguing." She walked in front of Min Hengzhi: "Go in and talk."

Zheng Zhongwen stepped aside reluctantly, and Min Hengzhi entered the room carrying a food box, and when he saw two steaming bowls of noodles on the table, he sighed again.

The three of them sat around the table, and Qi Rongyue spoke first: "The past is in the past, I don't want to mention it again, now that Zhongwen and I meet again, it proves that our fate is not over, I want to give it to you." Once he has a chance, he will also give me a chance, I will return to Beijing with him with Nian Wen, Heng Zhi, Rong Yutang will trouble you to take care of me in the future."

Min Hengzhi was a little anxious: "You are living well here, why are you going to the capital? There are many spies from the state of Zhou in the capital. If your identity is exposed, Zhou An will not let you go. What kind of turmoil will be involved?"

Zheng Zhongwen frowned and remained silent. What Min Hengzhi said made sense. Jingcheng is no better than Jincheng. There are many foreign spies living there, and there will be no less Zhou Dynasty. The Chu Dynasty launched an attack, and at that time, the matter would be difficult to end.

If he wants someone from the Chu Dynasty, it is also reasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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