Chapter 805: Sleepless Night
Chapter 810

can you?Obviously not.

She doesn't have much contact with Zheng Zhongwen, but she knows a little bit about his character. He can be very nice to people he cares about, and he can be ruthless to the people he doesn't care about.

Apparently she is the latter.

But she is not reconciled and does not give up. Since she has chosen this difficult path, she will definitely go on seriously.

Whether it is Zheng Zhongwen or Xue Baozhen, tonight will be a sleepless night.

In the deep darkness of the night, a black shadow loomed from the Duke's Mansion, flying over the roofs of the capital city.

Jian Yun watched the child fall asleep, and then went back to the room reluctantly. Qi Rongyue closed the door, sat under the window in a daze, thinking of Zhongwen in the Duke's mansion, Xue Baozhen who was shoulder to shoulder with the mansion, and lying on the bed Sleepy Xiao Nianwen, what should they do?
Will he come tonight?
Presumably not, whether it is the Duke's Mansion or the Prince's Mansion, there are a lot of bad things waiting for him to deal with, and he is too busy himself, so how can he find time to come here.

She sighed, got up and walked to the lamp. Just as she blew out the lamp, there was a slight noise outside the window, and a crack was slightly opened from the closed vertical pane, and a pair of bright eyes looked inside.

She coughed lightly, indicating that she was here, and a smile appeared on her face involuntarily, and he still came.

A vigorous figure swept in from the window and lightly landed in front of her. Before she could speak, he had already opened his arms and embraced her.

"How do you know I sleep in this room?" She asked with a smile.

He grabbed her hand and put it on his chest: "I can feel your presence here, the closer I get to you, the stronger the reaction."

She raised her eyebrows: "What's the reaction? Is it pain?"

He shook his head: "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all, it's sweet, the closer you get, the sweeter it is." Although the front is a lie, the back is the truth. When I hug her, the pain in my chest will disappear immediately , I feel sweet in my heart.

After solving the misunderstanding in Jincheng last time, when he approached her, although his chest still hurts, it is not as unbearable as before. It is just a feeling, but it is not so strong anymore. He even likes this feeling. A feeling that can really feel her presence.

She frowned: "If you say it doesn't hurt, then it must hurt. It must be that the Jiaozhu and your body haven't fully fused together. I don't know if it will get better in the future."

He kissed her on the face: "Of course, I'm getting better now, as long as you stay by my side, I think my memory will come back sooner or later."

She smiled and shook her head: "It doesn't matter if the memory can come back or not, we can tell you whatever you want to know, just remember it or not."

He shook his head: "That's different. Some memories are a unique feeling in my mind, and they will definitely be different from what you recounted."

She asked, "What if you never come back?"

He smiled, and kissed her red lips again: "Fool, if you don't come back, you won't come back. As long as you and Nianwen are here, it doesn't matter." Speaking of Nianwen, he hurriedly dragged Qi Rongyue to Beside the bed, looking at his daughter's sleeping face, he felt overwhelmed with happiness. He held Qi Rongyue's hand tightly, and said with an ambiguous expression, "Yue'er, shall we have another one?"

There was no light in the room, so he couldn't see her hot red face, he only saw her nodding slightly towards him, his smile became brighter, and with a little effort in his hand, Qi Rongyue sat on his lap.

(End of this chapter)

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