Chapter 806 Family
Chapter 811

He raised his head slightly, put one hand around her back, and clasped the back of her head with the other. His fiery lips and tongue intertwined, instantly igniting the temperature of the two bodies, and feeling some changes in his body, she Hastily pushed him away: "Don't be like this, it's not good if the master comes over later."

He sighed silently, the long night was long, and the nephrite jade was in his arms, but he wanted to sit still in his arms against his will, this feeling was really uncomfortable.

The two chatted for a while, and neither of them mentioned Xue Baozhen's matter. She believed that he could handle it well and trusted him, so she didn't ask.

"Go back quickly. You didn't have a good rest on the way. If you continue like this, you will definitely get sick."

He nodded, and reluctantly let go of the hand around her waist. The time with her always passed so quickly.

Seeing that it was still early, after Zheng Zhongwen left, Qi Rongyue also lay on the bed to rest, and after not sleeping for a while, there was a knock on the door outside: "Miss, Zheng Guogong and his wife are here, please see you outside the door."

She immediately stood up and shouted outside: "Please come in quickly and bring them directly to me."

Ya Tou turned around and went, she quickly got out of bed, dressed and combed her hair, tidying herself up as quickly as possible, just as she arrived at the gate of the courtyard, Ya Tou had already brought Zheng Guogong and Mrs. Zheng here.

It was just dawn and the morning dew was heavy, but the two elders came here at this time, naturally not to see her, but for the little baby in the house.

She turned to the two elders and said, "Uncle, aunt."

Zheng Guogong waved his hand: "We are all a family, so there is no need to be formal."

Mrs. Zheng stepped forward to hold her hand, her eyes were slightly red, this child is not easy, a girl's family has gone through so many winds and rains, and suffered so much, and now she is finally back, but right now, hey— —

She didn't say anything, just sighed and patted the back of her hand: "Just come back, just come back."

Mrs. Zheng was about to call her Rongyue, and just blurted out the word Rongyue, Zheng Guogong said, "It's good to call her Yue'er from now on, Chuyue."

Mrs. Zheng smiled awkwardly, "Look at my memory, Zhong Wenqian reminded me, my brain, I forget it when I go out."

Zheng Guogong chuckled: "I think you have a good personality on weekdays. I'm afraid it's because Xiao Nianwen is always on your mind, and you don't take anything to heart?"

The three of them all laughed, Qi Rongyue hurriedly led the two of them into the courtyard, and went straight to the room where she lived.

Xiao Nianwen has not woken up yet, she is sleeping soundly, and she can still hear even small snoring sounds.

Madam Zheng burst into tears, crying and laughing: "Look at this little face, it looks like our Zhongwen when he was a child."

Zheng Guogong also rubbed his hands, really wanting to hug their good granddaughter: "It's not just a small face, look at the nose and mouth, they are exactly the same."

The two of them gathered around the bed and stared at the sleeping little guy, reluctant to blink, and woke up the little guy.

As soon as Xiao Nianwen opened her eyes, she saw two unfamiliar faces staring at her, she immediately turned her eyes to look for her mother in a panic, and lifted the thin quilt covering her body with her small hands.

Qi Rongyue fetched the clothes and put them on for the child with Mrs. Zheng. Xiao Nianwen recognized her at the beginning, but after all, she was a grandparent. After a while, she got acquainted with the two and smiled at them. People are overjoyed.

"This child is really likable, Yue'er, can you let me take it home for a few days?" Mrs. Zheng looked greedy, and really didn't want to let go of Xiao Nianwen, who was holding the fragrant and soft.

(End of this chapter)

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