Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 812 Allowing their son an official position

Chapter 812 Allowing their son an official position

Chapter 817

Mrs. Xue was so angry that she almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. Her precious daughter was raised in a deep boudoir, and she was raised to be 16 years old. She promised them to the Zheng family, but on the day of the wedding, the marriage was divorced for no reason. A well-behaved lady from a famous family, is it possible that her life will be ruined by him like this?Of course the Xue family couldn't agree.

Baozhen is also a man of integrity, she identified Zheng Zhongwen, insisted on not renouncing the engagement, and insisted on living in the palace and waiting for him to come back. This wait lasted for two years.

Two years may not be a big deal to a man or a woman in a deep house, but to a young girl in the blooming season, it is a life-like age, and it has survived to this day, and now everyone in the capital knows Xue Baozhen is Zheng Zhongwen's wife, the hostess of this side-by-side palace, if he says no, then don't?Isn't this clearly forcing Baozhen to die?

Mrs. Xue stood up, her eyes were red, she stared at the three people in the hall one by one, and said in a deep voice, "You don't care about this matter, I will go to the emperor to report the imperial court, and see if the emperor wants to Favor your Zheng family, or give my daughter justice."

Mrs. Xue put down her harsh words, turned around and left, immediately went back to the mansion, put on her imperial attire, and announced to the face saint at the gate of the palace, but unfortunately the emperor was 'too busy' to see her. . .

As soon as Mrs. Xue left, Mrs. Zheng couldn't sit still anymore. She pulled Zheng Zhongwen and said, "She said that Baozhen committed suicide. Although nothing major happened, it was all because of you. If it spreads, the reputation will not be good. That's great, you'd better go to the palace to have a look, lest there will be bigger troubles in a while."

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "I won't go. It's hard to live alone, but it's easy to die. If she was such a fragile woman, she would have died two years ago when I divorced her in the street. How could she live to this day?" Today, she still considers herself a concubine in the side-by-side palace, and she has stayed there for two full years, this woman's palace is very deep, and she is not usually difficult to deal with."

Zheng Guogong also nodded: "Zhongwen is right. Her move is clearly a bitter plan, but it is our Zheng family who felt sorry for her first. You really did not do it kindly in the matter of annulling the marriage in the street. Now she is doing well. Your reputation has been ruined by you, and it will be even more difficult if you want to marry someone of the right family." He shook his head and sighed.

Zheng Zhongwen also thought about these things, but the matter has come to this point, and it is useless to say these things. What he can do is to compensate her, the Xue family, from other aspects.

Zheng Zhongwen said to Zheng Guogong: "Father, I remember that Xue Baozhen has an older brother who also works in the capital."

Zheng Guogong nodded: "That's right, his elder brother Xue Lin is an editor at the Imperial Academy."

Zheng Zhongwen said: "It is not so easy for the Xue family to make it up from the sixth rank, with the current strength of their Xue family. If we allow him to make up for the vacancy of the Imperial Academy, is it possible?"

Zheng Guogong's eyebrows brightened, and he said with a smile: "From the editor of the Imperial Academy to the servant of the Imperial Academy, although only two steps have been taken, it is two crucial steps. Some people have lost their hair in the Imperial Academy. , but can only survive until the position of servant, Xue Lin is still young, if he is allowed to be in this position, his career will be smoother in the future, it is impossible for the Xue family not to understand this."

Mrs. Zheng half understood, and asked: "What do you father and son mean, to give their son an official position and let them give up their daughter?"

Zheng Guogong nodded: "That depends on whether they value their son more or their daughter more."

(End of this chapter)

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