Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 813 What a pity this flower

Chapter 813 It's a pity that this flower

Chapter 818

Xue's Bieyuan
Mrs. Xue glared at her son angrily, and said sharply, "Xue Lin, what do you mean by that? Are you going to trade your sister's life for your future?"

Xue Lin knelt down in front of his mother with a plop, and said anxiously, "Mother, my son didn't mean that."

"No such meaning? Then what were you talking about just now? How dare you say you didn't mean this?"

Xue Lin hurriedly said: "Mother, listen to me, I am also very heartbroken by Baozhen's current situation. I also hope that she can marry Mr. Ruyi. It is very good to be king side by side. It can be said that he is the man that all women dream of. But no matter how good he is, he is not our Baozhen's lover. He has never had Baozhen in his heart, and you know that. Without his blue eyes and love, life will only be more difficult."

Mrs. Xue snorted coldly: "Speaking of a thousand words and ten thousand, you have one purpose now, you want to take Baozhen away, return the Zheng family to a quiet place, let the Zheng family accept your love, and pave the way for your official career, but you have to know, Baozhen Jane has reached this point, if she can't stay with the prince, it will be a dead end for her, do you really want to watch your sister die in front of you? You are the only sister."

No, he has more than one younger sister, he has many younger sisters, but this younger sister is the younger sister of his own mother.

Xue Lin said: "Mother, I don't want to do this either, but if we continue to fight like this, the consequences will only be worse. Our entire Xue family may be implicated. Haven't you seen the current situation clearly? The Zheng family is in the capital. Don’t you know the status of the imperial court? Have you thought about the consequences of persecuting them like this?”

"Are you going to make our entire Xue family pay for my sister? She is your daughter, and I am your son!"

Why is Madam Xue so persistent?That's because she has experienced a failed marriage. She believes that Zheng Zhongwen is fundamentally different from her husband. If her daughter can marry him, she will be happy for the rest of her life, and she doesn't have to live like her.

Although the son in front of him is his own, his virtues are almost exactly the same as his father's. With two outer rooms, such a good daughter-in-law became ill with anger. This illness has lasted for three years, and I don't know how long it can last. It's a pity for this flower.

Her daughter must never embark on such a path.

"Go back, I've made up my mind." Mrs. Xue intends to gamble. If it succeeds, her daughter can stay in the side-by-side palace, which fulfills her wish and gives her the opportunity to fight for her own happiness. No matter what, it is also an in-law relationship, and it will also benefit him in the officialdom in the future.

If it doesn't work out, she will die with her daughter, and once it's over, it will also make the Zheng family feel uneasy for the rest of their lives.

After a while, the housekeeper hurried in.

"How is the investigation?" Madam Xue asked.

The housekeeper hurriedly said: "My little one saw with his own eyes that King Side-by-Shoulder went to Wanzhai on Xining Street, and he went there three times a day."

Mrs. Xue sneered: "It seems right, prepare the car and go to Wanzhai."

Wan Zhai
As soon as Zheng Zhongwen left, Jian Yun proposed to take Rong Yue and Xiao Nianwen to go shopping and buy some gadgets and clothes for Nianwen.

Rong Yue was hesitating whether to go or not, when a girl came to report.

(End of this chapter)

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