Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 815 The Princess of Changle

Chapter 815 The Princess of Changle
Chapter 820

This is definitely the funniest joke Jian Yun has ever heard in her life.

She smiled and asked: "Mrs. Xue, where did you get your confidence? Who gave you this confidence? Do you think that the side-by-side palace belongs to your Xue family? Or does this whole world belong to your Xue family? Is that what you say?"

Mrs. Xue trembled angrily: "You woman, why do you speak so inappropriately, and dare to say such rebellious things casually?"

Jian Yun sneered: "Of course I dare, even if the emperor is in front of me now, I would dare, but, do you dare?"

Mrs. Xue doesn't recognize Jian Yun, so she doesn't know her relationship with the emperor, but she knows about Wan Zhai, and the boundaries of Wan Wu Tang. I heard that Mr. Wan married a woman named Jian last year. Could it be her?
Mrs. Xue also sneered: "A business woman dares to be so arrogant just because she has a few bad money. I don't know if this word is handed to the imperial court, it will be for you Wanwutang—huh!"

threaten?It's ridiculous, would she, Jian Yun, be afraid of such a pediatric threat?

"If you have the ability, report it to the imperial court. If you report the consequences, you will naturally know. Go ahead, walk slowly."

Mrs. Xue stared at Qi Rongyue, and said sharply: "It seems that you want to toast instead of fine wine."

Qi Rongyue shrugged: "Sorry, I don't like drinking very much. If you insist on me drinking, I can drink a little of any wine."

Mrs. Xue was so amicably sung by the master and apprentice that she almost fainted, she was helped out of Wanzhai by her servants, and as soon as she got into the carriage, she gritted her teeth and said, "I want to face the saint when I enter the palace. I want to see the emperor."

Golden Temple
Chu Tianqi made General Tianhu the Marquis of Dingxi, but he was not in a hurry to give it to Zheng Zhongwen.

He asked: "Zheng Aiqing, you have made great achievements many times. Not only have you saved my life several times, but you have also quelled the wars in the western border for many years. Now you are the king shoulder to shoulder. Even I don't know what to reward you. How about Tell yourself, what kind of reward do you want?"

Zheng Zhongwen was not polite, he took a step forward, and said to Chu Tianqi who was sitting on the golden luan throne: "Your Majesty, I want to ask for a reward for my wife and child."

Chu Tianqi looked at Zheng Zhongwen seriously, and pretended to be surprised: "When did Aiqing get married? Have a child?"

Zheng Zhongwen ignored Tianhu, who was holding back a smile, and said seriously: "Your Majesty, I met a girl in Xijiang. She and I lived and died together. Under the auspices of General Tianhu, we got married and gave birth to a daughter." , and now they have returned to Kyoto with me."

Chu Tianqi said with a smile: "So that's how it is. Well, I will give her a first-rank imperial order and make your daughter the princess of Changle. On an auspicious day, the wedding will be held in Kyoto, and I will give you ten miles of red makeup. I will officiate the marriage myself."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zheng Zhongwen bowed respectfully and was overjoyed. This was the result he expected, but he still couldn't help being excited.

Finally the moment has come!
Everyone in the civil and military courts knows that there is Xue Baozhen living side by side in the palace. In front of the holy face, they naturally dare not say a word, but in private, they are all talking about it. Today's situation is clearly the emperor and Zheng Zhongwen's private affairs. It was discussed below.

This time the Marquis of Yongle's mansion was decided, the emperor personally officiated the marriage, and there was no mention of Marquis of Yongle's mansion, obviously pretending to be deaf and dumb and refusing to recognize Xue Baozhen.

Everyone is waiting to see how the Yonglehou Mansion will respond this time, and whether Xue Baozhen will be kicked out in the end.

Watching the fun is also watching a joke!
(End of this chapter)

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