Chapter 816
Chapter 821

Before the three-day period Zheng Zhongwen set for Xue Baozhen arrived, the Holy Majesty's will arrived at the palace first.

After Xue Baozhen heard the decree, she was so angry that she passed out on the spot. After waking up, she was looking for death and life. Madam Xue begged to see the Holy Majesty several times, but was blocked outside the palace gate. With her strength, it was impossible to go forward. One step at the palace gate, her husband agrees with her son's idea, does not provide her with any help, and is preparing to send someone to pick up Baozhen, and the current situation is extremely unfavorable.

"Baozhen, tell mother the truth, what are you thinking in your heart now?" Her daughter knew that Baozhen was definitely not a person who would commit suicide. Notice.

Xue Baozhen sat in a daze for a while, and when her mother asked her, she came back to her senses and her eyes were confused: "Mother, didn't you say that you have seen Miss Chu? Is she beautiful?"

Mrs. Xue shook her head: "Not beautiful, she has an extremely ordinary face and is not well-bred. I really don't know what Zheng Zhongwen likes in her."

Xue Baozhen felt relieved when she heard the words, and said again: "If I leave here, my life will be ruined, if I stay, maybe there is still a chance to turn around."

Mrs. Xue was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"When a man treats a woman nicely, he usually tries to find something new. You said that Ms. Chu looks ordinary and behaves vulgarly. For such a woman, the prince must be just trying to find something new for a while. As long as I stay by his side, he will always find out about me. Good thing, as long as you can catch his heart, are you afraid that the position of Concubine will not come back?"

Mrs. Xue frowned: "What do you mean, you want to stay as a concubine?"

Xue Baozhen frowned, obviously disliked the word concubine: "It's a side concubine, not a concubine."

Mrs. Xue said in her heart: To put it nicely, she is a concubine, but to put it bluntly, she is a concubine.

After all, she is a precious daughter, so naturally she can't say such things to her.

"Have you thought it through?" Mrs. Xue asked earnestly

Xue Baozhen nodded: "I can't leave the palace. If I leave, my whole life will be a joke. Only by staying can I have the possibility of turning around."

Mrs. Xue loves her daughter dearly, but there is no other way. Her husband and son dare not fight against the Zheng family, let alone make trouble in front of the Holy One. Just find a random man to marry, it's better to stay in this palace to gamble, maybe there will be a way out and I don't know.

Mrs. Xue said: "Since you intend to stay, you must prepare for the worst."

Xue Baozhen sneered: "The worst plan is nothing more than being treated coldly for the rest of my life. I believe that I will never end up like this."

Mrs. Xue nodded: "Okay, now that I've made up my mind, I'll go to the Zheng family right away. I can't win the position of main concubine for you. Mother will definitely not let you down for the position of side concubine."

Xue Baozhen nodded: "Thank you, mother." As long as the Zheng family has a little conscience, they will not refuse this request, nor should they. If she refuses to agree to this request, then she will slam her head to death in front of the gate of the palace, so that the world can take a good look at the ruthless face of their Zheng family.

Mrs. Xue came to Zheng's mansion in a hurry. Zheng Guogong and Mrs. Zheng were thinking of discussing with her about Xue Baozhen's moving out. They were also afraid that the matter would be too embarrassing, and it would be best if they could solve it simply.

After listening to Mrs. Xue's request, Zheng Guogong and Mrs. Zheng had a difficult time. They knew that their son was focused on Rong Yue, and they couldn't tolerate other women in their eyes. If Xue Baozhen stayed in the palace as a side concubine, Don't say whether Rongyue is willing or not, Zhongwen will not.

(End of this chapter)

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