Chapter 821
Chapter 828

When the girl heard this, her complexion changed slightly, and she hurriedly said: "I didn't mean that, Mama Niu, don't talk nonsense."

Mother Niu glared at her again, then turned around and walked towards the small kitchen.

After Mama Niu left, the maid in green tugged at the dejected maid beside her and said, "Xiao Ding, you really shouldn't have done it just now, how could you say such things in front of Mama Niu? Don't you know that Mama Niu Who did you serve before?"

Xiao Ding shook his head: "I don't know, who did she serve before? Miss Xiaolu, you came earlier than me, please tell me quickly."

Xiaolu thought that Xiao Ding had just come to the palace for a few days, and it is normal not to know some things. In the future, the two of them will serve the master together for a long time, and it is appropriate to mention her, so she whispered: "Mother Niu is the side concubine. The people brought from the Xue family, before the concubine came in, the concubine was in charge of the palace, the cow mother was very powerful, and she was always tolerant of others, like slaves, concubine is not a lenient concubine, you Be careful in front of the cow mother in the future."

Xiao Ding was stunned, and asked again: "Since she is the concubine's side, can the concubine tolerate her?"

Xiaolu shook her head: "It's hard to say, it depends on what kind of temperament the princess is, and what mother cow will do."

Not long after, Mother Niu came back in a hurry, and stood waiting in the original position with lowered eyebrows, and the figures of the prince and Xiaohuan in the distance also walked quickly.

With something in his hand, Xiaohuan followed behind the prince, raising his eyes to peek at the prince from time to time.

After arriving at the door, the prince turned around and took the tray in Xiaohuan's hand: "You send some hot water to the next room, and don't worry about other things."

Xiaohuan hurriedly said yes, the prince pushed the door and entered, and then closed the door again.

Xiaoding hurried to Xiaohuan's side, brought her to Xiaolu and Mother Niu, and asked urgently, "What is your lord taking you to the small kitchen for?"

Xiaolu raised her eyes to look at Xiaohuan, and Mother Niu also pricked up her ears. She had been wandering outside the small kitchen just now, and because the door was closed, she didn't see anything.

Xiaohuan blushed, and said in a low voice: "My lord cooked two bowls of noodles in the small kitchen."

Xiao Ding and Xiao Lu's eyes widened: "The prince cooks the noodles himself? Do it yourself?"

Xiaohuan nodded: "Well, I only helped the lord, and the lord cooked the noodles himself." Xiao Ding and Xiaolu felt the same as she was surprised, and she was also surprised at the time, he is the lord, how can he do the work in the kitchen? What about sticking hands?
Xiao Ding looked excited: "Our lord is such a good man, he personally gave the concubine an order, if I can marry such a good man, I am willing to die."

Seeing that she was saying such nonsense again, Xiaolu hurriedly coughed, and signaled her to calm down with her eyes. After all, there was a cow mother with a special identity in front of them.

Xiao Ding understood, quickly shut up, and said with a dry smile, "I'm just joking, let's go, let's fetch water."

Mother Niu didn't say anything, she didn't stay behind after seeing the girls leaving, she hurried out of Baoyue Residence, and went to Zhenyuan in Dongtou.

Seeing that it was the mother cow, Xiao He immediately let her into the inner room without saying a word.

At this time, Xue Baozhen had already washed and washed, and was carefully applying makeup in front of the dressing table. She was not surprised to see Mother Niu in the mirror. She just put down the black brush in her hand, looked at herself in the mirror with exquisite makeup, and said casually: "Yes Any news?"

Mother Niu said: "Miss, after the prince got up just now, he went directly to the kitchen and made noodles for the princess. He is still in the room and hasn't asked anyone to come in to serve him."

(End of this chapter)

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