Chapter 822
Chapter 829

Xue Baozhen frowned slightly, this is not good news.

"What else?" she asked.

Mother Niu thought for a while, and then said: "The few girls in Baoyueju are not very peaceful. Seeing the young and handsome prince, they are all very happy, and they are rushing to squeeze in front of the prince."

Xue Baozhen snorted coldly: "Just because they are worthy? If the prince is such a casual person, how can I, Xue Baozhen, be in trouble today?"

"Xiao He, reward." She turned around slowly, and watched Mother Niu put the money bag into her sleeve, with a satisfied smile on her face. The one who lives there will definitely be able to, it seems that we can't trust her too much in the future.

"Keep staring, I'm going to Baoyueju, you try to avoid it."

"Young servant understands, Miss, don't worry." After saying that, Mother Niu turned and went back.


After the maids put away the hot water, he went in and locked the door, and then went to take a bath with Yue'er who was sleeping drowsily.

She didn't wake up until she was submerged in the water, and looked at him with her beautiful eyes: "What are you doing?"

"Help you take a bath!" He said confidently.

"Help me take a shower, why are you undressing?"

"I'm afraid your bath water will splash my clothes!" He kept his expression serious, but the flames in his eyes had already betrayed his lies.

Seeing that he had already stripped naked, she immediately covered her eyes and said shamefully, "I can wash myself, I don't need your help, you go away."

"No, Ma'am worked hard last night, let my husband take care of you to take a bath." As he spoke, his body sank into the large bathtub.

Touching her body in the water seemed smoother and softer, which made his heart itch.

She pressed her weak hand against his chest: "Don't do this, there are people outside."

He smiled, his eyes full of charm: "What are people afraid of? You are my wife now, and everything we do is taken for granted." This is the benefit of getting married.

She was finally teased by him and fell limp in his arms, letting him take whatever he wanted without any resistance.

When Xue Baozhen arrived, she saw Mama Niu leading a few maids waiting in the yard, and asked suspiciously: "You are not inside to serve the princess and prince, what are you doing here?"

Mama Niu glanced at her and said nothing, Xiaohuan, who was standing beside Mama Niu, blushed and said, "The prince and concubine are, are--"

Xue Baozhen raised her eyebrows, waiting for her to finish speaking.

Xiaohuan closed her eyes, gritted her teeth and said, "The prince and concubine are taking a bath inside, so we don't have to go in to serve them."

The words have been said so clearly, if you don't understand, isn't that a fool?

Although Xue Baozhen was not a human being, she also knew what it was like for men and women to bathe together, so she immediately blushed, feeling very displeased in her heart, secretly thinking that this woman surnamed Chu must be a coquettish girl, so that the prince did not come out at this hour Her room door, what is it if it's not Hu Meizi?
But it’s okay, I’m not afraid of men being lustful, but I’m afraid that men don’t love sex. In the past, she once suspected that the prince didn’t love women, so she treated her coldly. Now it seems that she was wrong, but she didn’t use the right method. .

After thinking about this, the anger in her heart calmed down a lot, and she didn't let anyone call the door, she just waited in the yard calmly.

At this time, it is an hour.

The young couple in the room had a couple of baths, had breakfast, and waited for Rongyue to change her face. Then Zheng Zhongwen went out. As soon as he stepped forward, he saw Xue Baozhen standing in the yard, and immediately frowned: "You come here. What are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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