Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 824 The Sour Vinegar Smell

Chapter 824 The Sour Vinegar Smell

Chapter 831

Rongyue didn't miss the flash of cold light on her soft face, she smiled and said, "Since you have chosen this path, no matter what the result will be in the future, don't blame others, but remember the present and the future. The thought, there is a cause, there must be an effect.”

Xue Baozhen still smiled Yanyan, no matter what the other party said, she always had a smile on her face, looking invulnerable.

Qi Rongyue didn't bother to talk to her anymore, so she waved her hand and said, "Get back, I'm tired."

Xue Baozhen got up to say goodbye, just as she walked out of the room, she saw the prince walking towards this side with a child in his arms, he had a gentle smile on his face, his mouth opened and closed as if he was talking to the child, and the child laughed like silver bells from time to time , so teased that the prince couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, his eyes were so gentle that water dripped out.

Is it because of this child?It was because of this child that he was determined to divorce, and because of this child, it was necessary to give her and her mother a title?
The prince has already approached, the child in his arms turned his head, her chest was suffocated, what a beautiful girl.

Although she is only one and a half years old, she is already a little beauty. Although there is a little shadow of a prince on her face, it doesn't look too much like her mother?No, nothing like it except the eyes.

When it comes to eyes, she always feels that Wang Hao's eyes give her a familiar feeling, as if she has seen it before somewhere, but this face is so strange.

Zheng Zhongwen ignored her, didn't even look at her directly, and carried the child directly into the back room. The door was open, and his voice calling Wang Fei Yue'er affectionately came out of the room, and he sounded like an ordinary man coaxing the child. A tenderness she had never had before.

These should all belong to her, all of them should belong to her!

It will be brought back, and one day, these, all of these, will be brought back.

"What did you all say?" After confirming that Xue Baozhen had left, Zheng Zhongwen asked Qi Rongyue.

She shrugged: "I didn't say anything, she came prepared, no matter what I said, she didn't take it to heart, it seems that she is determined to live here and wait for the opportunity."

Zheng Zhongwen smiled: "Are you worried?"

She was puzzled: "What are you worried about?"

"I'm worried that I will be hooked by her one day."

She also laughed: "If you can be seduced by a woman casually, what's the use of my worrying? It can only prove that I have blind eyes and can't see people clearly."

He stretched out his hand and pinched her cheek, and said angrily, "Are you worried about losing the flesh? Let me feel the sour vinegar smell."

She rubbed her face and gave him a blank look: "I'm convinced, who would force his wife to be jealous like you?"

Zhongwen looked around and wondered, "Where's Xiaobai? I haven't seen it since yesterday."

Rong Yue shrugged: "I don't know, maybe hide somewhere to sleep, Xiaobai likes to be quiet, the palace was too noisy yesterday, maybe it's annoying, go somewhere to hide quietly."

Zhongwen shook his head: "It seems that we can't count on it to protect our daughter. Let me, my father, protect me personally."

"It's as if your daughter is being targeted by robbers." She smiled and shook her head.

"It's not just a robber—" He became excited, pointing at his daughter's small face, and exaggerating: "Look at our daughter, this appearance, this appearance, combines the best of both of us. Stunning beauty, I have to take good care of her, and I can't let those wicked men be deceived."

(End of this chapter)

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