Chapter 825

Chapter 832

"Boring, how old is my daughter, just worry about it!" She rolled his eyes at him, turned around and went to lie down on the bed: "I'm too tired, you take her out to play, I want to sleep for a while."

Thinking of the madness last night, Zhongwen knew that she must be exhausted, so he quickly picked up his daughter: "I'll take her to play in the garden, you have a good sleep, have lunch together, and I'll go to the palace to do business in the afternoon."

Rong Yuelei couldn't even open her eyes, and asked curiously, "Aren't you sleepy? You seem to have been up all night."

He shook his head with a smile: "Not sleepy, it will be no problem to fight again tonight."

She pretended not to hear and rolled over to sleep.

The palace garden is very large, with rockery and stone bridges, lotus ponds and flower gardens, everything that one expects to find, spacious and fragrant.

A few days ago, he ordered someone to plant a crooked neck tree in the garden, and tied a swing to the tree, which just came in handy today.

It's a pity that the little guy didn't seem to be very interested in the swing, and felt very bored, so he just lay down on the grass to watch the ants.

At this time, a visitor came to visit. It was Tianhu, a close friend, who is now the Marquis of Dingxi.

The two men were talking in the garden, but no one noticed that Xiao Nianwen was chasing the ants to the direction of the lotus pond.

All the servants around him were dismissed by him, but there was not a single guardian. He himself thought the child was still watching the ants by his feet.

On the other side of the garden, Xue Baozhen and Xiao He were standing by the lotus pond, and they could clearly see the little princess walking towards the lotus pond step by step. With her small body, if she fell into the lotus pond, she would be submerged in two or three hits.

Seeing this, Xiao He subconsciously wanted to save her, but was stopped by Xue Baozhen: "What are you doing?"

Xiao He said anxiously: "Xiaojun mainly fell into the water."

Xue Baozhen quickly covered her mouth: "Shut up, you didn't see anything, remember."

The little guy is already one and a half years old, but he can't walk very steadily. He moved to the side of the lotus pond with three steps. She didn't know that there was a dangerous place ahead, and she just stared at the ants on the grass. The ants If she goes to the left, she goes to the left.

When she stepped on the ground and found that there was no land in front of her, it was already too late.

Xiao He tightly covered her mouth to prevent the scream from rushing out of her throat. After all, she was a child. When did Miss's heart become so cold and hard?

Just when the master and servant thought that the little princess was about to fall into the water, a white shadow suddenly appeared. The white shadow was as fast as lightning, and hit the little princess's foot with his body, and the little princess was thrown into the air. He fell hard on the grass behind her, and when the back of his head was about to touch the ground, the white shadow got under her head again, causing her head to hit his soft body.

Even so, the little guy's butt hurt from the fall, and he started crying immediately, which woke up the two men who were talking under the swing.

When Zhongwen saw his daughter's voice coming from the lotus pond, he was immediately frightened out of his wits. He always thought that his obedient daughter was playing by his side and never went far.

When he rushed to his daughter's side, he saw that her daughter was not injured, and Xiao Bai was glaring at him angrily, and saw the small footprints stretching all the way to the pond, so he immediately knew what happened.

He hurriedly picked up his daughter, coaxed her to stop crying, and then said to Xiaobai: "Stop staring at me, I know I was wrong, next time, bah bah bah, there will be no next time, absolutely not." It's too bad, a momentary carelessness may lead to an irreparable disaster. It seems that in the future, if you take the children out to play, you can't be brave and not bring others.

(End of this chapter)

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