Chapter 826
Chapter 833

Tianhu said: "I'm all to blame for this, but I want to talk to you at this time, if something really happens to the child, I really—"

Zhongwen hurriedly said: "How can I blame you for this? I was too careless. I have no experience in raising children, which is also a lesson. I will pay more attention in the future. Don't blame yourself. It's really not your fault."

The two of them turned around while talking, Tianhu's eyes were sharp, and he caught a glimpse of the two backs in the distance, and muttered: "Aren't those two girls servants from your mansion? Since they were in the garden just now, didn't they see that Nianwen was in danger?" ?”

Zhong Wen followed his gaze to look, and sure enough, he saw two figures leaving in a hurry, none other than Xue Baozhen and her girl Xiaohe.

So, they were in the garden just now?Witnessed that Nianwen was in distress and didn't call for help?

He frowned, his eyes became colder and colder, it seemed that he still underestimated her.

After all, she was his side concubine in name, so he didn't say much, and dragged Tianhu back to his courtyard.

"I said, brother, you will not forget what you promised me, right?" Tianhu gave Zhongwen a sideways look, very dissatisfied.

Zhongwen raised his eyebrows: "What did I promise you?"

Tianhu got excited, pointed at Zhongwen and said: "Hey, you kid, you forget about your brother when you have a wife and children, and I'm still a widow, right?"

Zhongwen laughed and said, "Isn't it easy for you to find a wife? Tell the emperor, why don't you choose this noble daughter in the capital?"

Tianhu shook his head: "I can't afford to take care of those delicate girls. They just put on airs and show off all day long. I don't like this style. You know me, I'm used to being careless, and I don't like those vain girls." As for the bridge, what I want is a real girl, you have good eyesight, and you are born and bred in this capital city, I can count on you."

Zhongwen looked embarrassed: "Your request, your status, to find a girl who suits you within the range of the right family, it is more difficult than going to heaven."

Tianhu waved his hand: "As I said, I don't want to use those sets that make Baqiao false. I don't care what is right, as long as it suits my heart."

While the two were talking, they had already walked into Baoyue Residence. Qi Rongyue had already gotten up and was drying herbs in the courtyard. After smelting for a few furnaces, she heard the conversation between the two from a distance. She smiled and said, "I do have a candidate who will suit your wishes."

The eyes of both of them brightened, and they looked at her one after another. She smiled and said, "Brother Tianhu, have you forgotten? The girl who came out of the black desert with you back then, Dina, I heard that she is not married yet. Woolen cloth."

Speaking of Dina, Tianhu's face immediately lit up with joy: "Is this true? Is she really not married?" He was very impressed with Dina, she is a very nice girl, and she looks very beautiful, and The girls in the capital city who are soft on the face and full of twists and turns in their hearts are different. They have a sharp temper, dare to love and hate, and can afford to let go.

He knew that Dina liked Zhongwen in the past, but she also quit in spite of the difficulties, and lived with her younger brother in a small house. He hadn't seen her for so long, so he thought she must be married.

Rong Yue said: "Miss Dina is twenty this year, and his younger brother is very anxious about her marriage, but she has the same temperament as you, she doesn't want to be wronged, she just wants to find someone she likes, so this has been delayed Come down, if you are sincerely willing, I can ask Master to come forward to negotiate a deal for you, whether you succeed or not depends entirely on whether your sincerity can touch her heart."

(End of this chapter)

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