Chapter 830

Chapter 837

"Mother!" Xue Baozhen saw her mother coming in a hurry, her eyes were slightly red, and she quickly walked up to her.

"Zhen'er." Mrs. Xue grabbed her daughter's hand, and she hadn't seen her for a few days, and her daughter seemed to be much haggard.

"Is he treating you well? Did he make things difficult for you?" Mrs. Xue took her daughter into the room and dismissed the servants.

Xue Baozhen smiled wryly, and sighed: "He didn't even look at me, saying what's good or bad."

Mrs. Xue also expected this to happen, patted the back of her daughter's hand, and said softly: "Don't worry, there are not many men in this world who can only guard one woman for a lifetime, let alone an ordinary ugly woman .”

"Besides, this newly married man is currently in the mood. As soon as she gets a monthly letter or is pregnant with a child, your chance will come. At that time, you will hang around him from time to time and dress up a little more beautifully. "She never thought that such words would come out of her mouth. These things should not be done by women of their status. But now, if they want to be in power, they can only rely on this Find ways to get what you want.

Xue Baozhen nodded and asked her mother, "Mom, have you brought the things I asked you to prepare?"

Mrs. Xue nodded, and took out a small porcelain bottle from her bosom and handed it to her: "This is bone-bright incense bought from merchants in the Western Regions, as long as one is put in the incense burner, no man can resist it."

Xue Baozhen blushed, and asked again: "What about me? Will I lose my mind too?"

Mrs. Xue shook her head: "No, this fragrance is only useful for men, not for women."

Xue Baozhen put away the things and said to her mother, "I will use it well, thank you mother."

Mrs. Xue patted Baozhen's hand and sighed: "These methods are often used by those lowly aunts in the mansion. I always despise them, but I never thought that one day, I will personally dictate them to you." , I only hope you have a good intention!"

Both mother and daughter were sad, Xue Baozhen forced a smile and said: "The process is not important, what matters is the ending. I just want to get back what belongs to me. How can I do it without paying some price?"

"Mother, try to help me find out who this Chu Yue is. Did she and the prince really meet in Xijiang? What they said before is full of flaws. Only because of their identities, no one dares Questioning aloud, I want to find out whether the prince's resolute resignation had anything to do with this Chu Yue."

Mrs. Xue nodded: "Don't worry, I will definitely investigate this matter as soon as possible, and I will send someone I trust to deliver the letter to you."

Xue Baozhen nodded: "Mother, I'm not by your side, you have to take good care of yourself, if you can't, just move to the eldest brother's house."

Mrs. Xue immediately shook her head: "No, you bastard, you only want to use your life's important affairs to seek your future. I don't want to see him again."

Xue Baozhen also blames her elder brother in her heart, but it's resentment. After all, her elder brother is from her natal family, the one who will inherit Marquis Yongle in the future, and will be her only reliance in her natal family. It is obviously not wise to have a bad relationship with her elder brother or to sever ties.

She said softly: "Mother, my brother is also doing it for the good of our Xue family. I don't blame him, and you don't blame him either. The matter has come to this point. It is useless to talk. We still have to look forward and plan for the future. on."

Mrs. Xue is not a fool, she said bad things about her son in front of her daughter, she just wanted her daughter to feel better and let her know that her mother was on her side.

(End of this chapter)

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