Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 831 Cooperating with the Emperor

Chapter 831 Cooperating with the Emperor

Chapter 838

She was surprised that her daughter could say such a thing, Zhen'er really grew up.

"Okay, mother will listen to you, as long as you are doing well in this palace, mother will follow you in everything, you have to remember, mother will always be on your side, if life in the palace is really difficult, you want to get out Now, just tell mother, mother will find a way to take you away, okay?"

Xue Baozhen nodded with a sob, and reluctantly sent her mother away.

After returning home in three dynasties, Qi Rongyue first went to Wanzhai, picked up Jian Yun and Mr. Wan, and then went to the palace to have a banquet together. Today, Tianqi hosted a banquet in the palace. To outsiders, this was just an ordinary feast for monarchs and ministers. Only they knew in their hearts that this was a homecoming banquet for their sister and brother-in-law.

It was the first time for Mr. Wan to enter the palace, and he was very curious about every scene and everything in Chu Palace. The layout of the houses in the palace was different from that of ordinary people's homes, tall and luxurious, and suddenly he had an idea, a bold idea.

Seeing his thoughtful appearance all the way, Jian Yun asked, "What are you thinking?"

Mr. Wan smiled and said, "I was thinking, maybe there is another way for Wanwutang to develop."

"Oh? Talk about it."

Mr. Wan said: "For more than ten years, Wanwutang's business has been mainly based on intermediary buying and selling houses. Now there are many competitors in the market. Although their strength is not enough to defeat Wanwutang, they can also give Wanwu The church has brought a lot of impact, so we must think of new ways while the blood is still hot."

"You think of it now?" Jian Yun asked.

Mr. Wan nodded with excitement on his face: "Before today, I had no idea. Just now, just now, I suddenly thought of an idea."

Not to mention Jian Yun's interest, even Rong Yue and Zhong Wen were also attracted by his words.

Mr. Wan said: "When I came to Chu Palace today, I saw these beautiful and tall palaces, and I thought of an idea, maybe we Wanwutang can build some unique houses for sale, and buy them at a low price in remote places. Land, and then build a large area of ​​beautiful houses, and sell them to those who urgently need to settle down in the local area, but can’t find a suitable place to live for a while.”

He has been in the business of buying and selling houses for many years. He knows how much it costs to build a house, and he also knows how much the built house can be sold for, and the profits are very considerable.

Jian Yun has always been ignorant of business and has no interest in doing business. After Mr. Wan finished speaking, she didn't think there was anything special, but she saw Rong Yue's excited face.

"What do you think?" Jian Yun asked Rong Yue and Zhong Wen.

Zhong Wen smiled and nodded: "This idea is really good, even I am a little bit tempted." No matter how much money a person has, he will not think too much money.

Mr. Rong Yue Chaowan said: "I still have an idea, I can implement your idea as soon as possible."

Mr. Wan hurriedly asked, "Tell me about it."

Qi Rongyue smiled and said: "With your Wanwutang's strength, if you want to buy a lot of land and build houses, it may not be so easy, but if you can cooperate with the emperor, this matter will be much easier."

Mr. Wan's eyebrows lit up, he understood instantly, and said with a smile, "That's a good idea, I understand."

Rong Yue said: "Western Xinjiang has been in war for many years, and the national treasury has been allocated countless money. It is a time when it is empty. If you can share the worries for Tianqi, I think Wanwutang's future will develop more smoothly."

Mr. Wan said with a smile: "If you can share the worries of the emperor and benefit yourself, that would be great."

After returning to the banquet, Mr. Wan and Tian Qi mentioned this matter, and the two hit it off immediately, and immediately began to draw up plans and implement them.

(End of this chapter)

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