Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 833 The prosperity is gone, and the old man.

Chapter 833 The prosperity is gone, and the old man.

Chapter 840

With the concubine's acquiescence, she ran into the garden with him, took off the princess's gorgeous coat, and ran wildly in the garden with him. Just before the rockery, he hung his heirloom jade on her. on the neck.

She smiled: "Of course I did, you were a crazy boy at that time, you knew how to be silly all day long."

He raised his eyebrows: "How do you know? Didn't we meet when we were in Pengcheng?"

She shrugged: "I heard what you said, you forgot about it yourself." She bullied him for not remembering.

"Really?" He was somewhat skeptical of what she said, but he couldn't say why he doubted, what he doubted, but Mo Ming had this kind of emotion. He shook his head to shake off this strange emotion, and said with a smile: "Let's Go over there and have a look."

The two went hand in hand to visit the garden under the moon, repeating the path they walked when they were young.

When he hung the heirloom jade around her neck, the fate between them was already doomed.

You hold the other end of the red line, and I, no matter where I go, the end of the world, or the cape, one day, I will meet again.

The only wish in this life is that the time is quiet and good, and talk to you;

It was already the evening of the next day when we returned to the Prince's Mansion.

Xue Baozhen led a group of people from the palace to greet him at the door.

Zheng Zhongwen didn't even look at her, he directly supported Rong Yue to get off the car, and said in a low voice: "The cabinet has something to deal with today, I'll go there and come back later, you prepare a supper for me."

Rong Yue nodded and told him to be careful when riding a horse at night, not to rush on the road, no matter how late he would wait for him and so on, Xue Baozhen's complexion changed after hearing that, did they intentionally show their affection in front of her?
After Zheng Zhongwen left, Rong Yue turned around slowly. On her ordinary face, she had a pair of breathtakingly beautiful eyes. The light in her eyes was clear and cool, mixed with some sharpness. Most honest thoughts.

Everyone's heart trembled, and the slight contempt they had previously felt for her because of her ordinary appearance and low status disappeared at this moment.

She glanced across the crowd one by one, and finally her eyes fell on Xue Baozhen's face. The corners of her lips curled up slightly, provoking a slight smile: "Get up." After speaking, she walked into the house, step by step Walking slowly, it was also very natural, with a sublime air of nobility emanating faintly, not the aura of wealth and nobility of being promoted to a princess, but a noble aura emanating from the bones.

Xue Baozhen clenched her sleeves into fists, stared at her back with vicious eyes, followed her step by step, and walked towards Baoyueju.

The nurse holding the little princess walked behind Xue Baozhen, Xue Baozhen heard the movement, looked back, and saw Xiao Nianwen playing with a jade pendant in his hand.

She was born as a daughter of the Hou Mansion, and she is used to seeing good things. This jade pendant is of high quality and the carving is very exquisite. It is not a skill that ordinary jade craftsmen can make, it should be something from the palace.

Such a good object must have been rewarded by the emperor, but she casually gave it to the children to play with. If it fell——she sneered, slowed down her steps, saw the right moment, and suddenly tilted her body. After touching the nurse, his hand touched the jade pendant in the hand of the little princess so "coincidentally".

She fell on the gravel road by herself, and the nurse holding the baby was bumped back a few steps by her. Fortunately, she didn't fall down, and there was a crisp bang sound, and the exquisite jade pendant fell to the ground, immediately torn to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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