Chapter 834 Beautiful High Hat
Chapter 841

Hearing the sound, Qi Rongyue turned around, first saw Xue Baozhen who fell on the ground, frowned slightly, then glanced at the broken jade pendant on the ground, and asked: "What's wrong?"

Xue Baozhen was lifted up by Xiao He, and said with an uneasy expression: "It's all because of my carelessness, I sprained my ankle just now."

Qi Rongyue asked: "Are you okay?"

Xue Baozhen shook her head quickly: "It's all right, I'm all right, it's just that - this jade pendant - it's a pity that it's a good piece of jade." She looked regretful: "It's all because I scared the princess just now, otherwise this jade would not be broken."

Qi Rongyue glanced at the jade again, and said softly: "It's good that people are fine, it's just a piece of jade, if it breaks, it will break."

Just a piece of jade?When it breaks, it breaks?This is a reward from the emperor, and breaking the reward from the emperor is a crime of disrespect.

Xue Baozhen thought again, too, how could she, a village girl from western Xinjiang, know this?She must have thought that these things could be disposed of by her if they entered the palace, right?Disposal is fine, but breaking it is a crime of disrespect.

She remembers this first, the future will last forever.

Xue Baozhen followed Rong Yue into Baoyue Residence, personally poured tea for her, and brought it to Rong Yue.

Rong Yue smiled and said: "Miss Xue, you don't have to do these things, these things are done by servants."

Xue Baozhen smiled and said, "It's my sister's honor to be able to pour tea for the princess."

Pretty words, beautiful high hats, everyone likes, especially such an ordinary woman from a foreign country, to be flattered and complimented by her dignified daughter of the Marquis Mansion, she must be secretly laughing.

Rong Yue glanced at her lightly, then raised her hand: "Sit down."

Xue Baozhen sat down "obediently", and saw her thin white hands, such hands really did not match her face.

"I heard that the princess is from Xijiang?"

Rong Yue shook her head: "Who are you listening to? I'm not from Xijiang."

Xue Baozhen was taken aback, isn't she from Xijiang?

"Didn't the prince say that he met you in Xijiang?" she asked.

Rong Yue smiled and said: "It doesn't matter where we met, the important thing is that I am with him now."

She asked back: "Miss Xue is originally from Liangzhou. She has lived in this capital for two years, but is she still used to it?"

Xue Baozhen nodded: "Habits, Liangzhou is not far from here, many habits are the same, and my mother has been with me in the capital, so it goes well."

Rong Yue said: "In the future, life in the palace will become more and more boring. If you don't want to stay here, just tell me, you're welcome."

Xue Baozhen laughed dryly: "My concubine was joking, this is my home, I am already the prince's woman, I am his person in life, and his soul in death, I will never leave in this lifetime."

Oh?This is a declaration of war, which is good.

She smiled: "Life can be short or long, I hope you will remember what I said today."

Xue Baozhen smiled lightly: "Remember, as the saying goes, marry a chicken and follow the chicken, marry a dog and follow the dog, where the prince is, I will be there."

Qi Rongyue shrugged: "Okay, then you can stay, but I have one thing to say in advance, don't violate my taboo and make me unhappy, but you are ignorant."

"Princess please speak."

"In your eyes, you may already be the prince's woman, but in my eyes, you are nothing. This Baoyue residence is where the prince and I live. I hope that without my order in the future, you will not be able to marry me again." If you appear in Baoyue Residence, you are not allowed to let your maids come and go here, if there is anything, you can let the steward report it, and I will consider it myself."

(End of this chapter)

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