Chapter 835
Chapter 842

"Besides, the prince doesn't like people entering his study, and he doesn't like the so-called "chance encounters" in the garden. You are a smart person, and you should know what I'm talking about. If you can do the above two things, you and I, Then you can live in peace in this palace, if you can’t, you will bear the consequences yourself.”

Xue Baozhen's face was ugly, green and red, but she had no choice but to agree softly, the current situation does not allow her to be arrogant, as long as she is favored by the prince, today's humiliation will be avenged tomorrow.

"Sister understands, sister Wangfei can rest assured." She got up with a smile on her face, said goodbye and left.

After Xue Baozhen left, Qi Rongyue ordered the maid Liang'er beside her: "Send someone to watch her residence, if there is any change, report it immediately." When she was young and in full bloom, how could she be willing to remain a widow for the rest of her life?If she stays in this palace, it will be a disaster sooner or later.

It's just that right now, it's not the time to let her go.


Under Qi Rongyue's signal, Zheng Zhongwen deliberately released the rumor that Chu Yue agreed to choose a concubine for the emperor.

All of a sudden, people of the right age in the elite gates of the capital were excited. The emperor was fourteen years old and had no concubines in the six palaces. Great opportunity for future generations.

And because the emperor is young, if you marry him, the young couple will have a lot of affection, which is many times stronger than the concubine who entered the palace halfway.

Side by side with the Prince's Mansion, it immediately became the busiest mansion in Kyoto City.

"Princess, the ones who are going to visit today are Mrs. Yan, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and her little daughter."

Qi Rongyue rubbed the center of her brows, she met many people these days, but none of them were satisfactory, either too strong, too weak, or not correct in appearance, in short, she couldn't find anyone she liked.

"What time will it be?" she asked

The maid said: "It's about time to come."

She nodded, got up and went back to the bed to lie down: "I'll take a break first, and you'll call me when she comes." Last night, she was tortured by Zhong Wen for a long time, her waist was sore and her legs were weak, and she was woken up by reading Wen again in the morning , dizzy head.

Jane Garden
"Miss, the concubine has been out of the limelight these days. She has met all the famous and respectable ladies and ladies in the capital city, and everyone is respectful and courteous to her, and they are very good at currying favor with her."

Xue Baozhen was puzzled: "Shouldn't the matter of choosing a concubine for the emperor be a matter of the inner palace? Why leave it to her? What is she?"

Xiao He nodded in agreement: "That's right, even though I'm a princess, I can't care about the emperor's choice of concubine? This is a big matter, how can I leave it to her? What can she understand?"

Xue Baozhen shook her head: "Things must not be so simple. If the emperor only cares about Wang Ye's face, it is impossible to entrust her with such an important matter. Among them, there must be something we don't know about."

Xiao He frowned: "What's the matter?"

Xue Baozhen asked, "Is there any news from my mother recently?"

Xiao He shook her head: "Not yet, Madam hasn't sent anyone to deliver a letter recently."

The two were talking, when the girl outside walked into the room: "Miss, Madam sent a message to ask Miss Xiao He to go to the side door to get the letter in person."

Xue Baozhen was overjoyed, she turned her head and gave Xiao He a wink, Xiao He left in a hurry, and came back shortly with a letter in her hand.

Xue Baozhen couldn't wait to take it apart and read it. It was filled with three pages of paper, one by one, which made her dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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