Chapter 840 Luo Ji
Chapter 847

Qi Rongyue's heart sank slightly: "This Xibo Kingdom is adjacent to the western border of the Chu Kingdom, and they have always lived in peace. The real war started when King Liao married the princess of Xibo Kingdom. Since then, the war in the western border has It has never stopped, the imperial court has sent food and money every year, and sent a large number of troops, led by the Liao King himself to quell the chaos, but the war has never stopped."

This time when Zhongwen and Tianhu returned to Beijing, they reported the matter to the emperor. They suspected that the king of Liao simply asked the court for money and food in the name of war and chaos, so as to enrich his private pockets.

Moreover, the relationship between the King of Liao and the Xibo Kingdom is extraordinary, and he also loves the Princess of Liao who is the princess of Xibo very much.

"When you were in Xijiang, did you hear about his daughter?"

Zhong Wen frowned deeply, and said: "I heard that his daughter Princess Luo Ji, who is fourteen years old, is said to be the most beautiful woman in Xijiang. "

Yuan Dao luthier?Rong Yue's complexion changed drastically immediately: "This Yuan Dao is not a good person, he is good at capturing people's hearts and souls with his weird qin skills to achieve his goals, how could this King of Liao let his daughter worship Yuan Dao as his teacher?"

Zhong Wen knew very little about Yuan Dao, and when he heard the words, he broke out in a cold sweat: "That is to say, the king of Liao brought his daughter to Beijing this time, and the visitor is not kind!"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "It must be malicious, I will follow you into the palace tomorrow to face the saint."

Zhongwen said: "You are inconvenient these days, why don't you go a few days later, and don't be in a hurry."

Rong Yue shook her head: "No, who knows when the King of Liao will come to Beijing, it might be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, there can be no further delay."


"Father, I don't want to be a queen, and I don't want to go to the capital, can you let me go back?" Luo Ji knelt in front of King Liao, holding his arm tightly with both hands, her eyes dim with tears.

The King of Liao shook off her hand with a cold face, and said in a deep voice: "If you do well what I entrusted to you, your mother's life will naturally be saved; if you don't do well, you will wait to collect your mother's body. "

Luo Ji fell to the ground crying, her eyes full of sorrow: "Father, I am your daughter. Although my mother is of low status, she was once your woman and gave birth to you. How could you hate me so much? she?"

The King of Liao snorted coldly: "She should be glad that she gave birth to a daughter like you, otherwise, how could she live to this day?" The world only said that Luo Ji was the child born to him and the princess, but in fact Luo Ji was his daughter. The daughter of a cousin wife.

"Father, my daughter begs you, mother is sick, she can't live without my care, she will die, she will really die, father—"

King Liao said: "Don't worry about this, she will definitely not die before your mission is completed. If you can successfully win the favor of the little emperor and stay in the palace, this king will definitely cure your mother's illness and send her to Beijing as soon as possible." , to reunite with you."

Luo Ji sat slumped on the ground, knowing that it was a lie, but she had a glimmer of hope in her heart, hoping that her father would keep her word this time.

"Okay, I promise you, and please don't forget today's agreement." She fell to the ground and kowtowed heavily.

Seeing this, King Liao hurriedly pulled her up: "What are you doing? Don't you know that your face is the key to getting close to the emperor?"

Luo Ji broke away from King Liao's hand, turned around and went back to her room without looking at him again.

"Princess, are you crying?" The girl Rou'er hurried forward to support her.

Luo Ji hugged Rou'er, fell on her shoulder and cried bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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