Chapter 841 Yuan Dao
Chapter 848

Rou'er patted Luo Ji's back lightly: "Princess, don't be sad, your eyes will become ugly if you cry swollen, and the prince will scold you again."

Luo Ji stood up straight, took the handkerchief from Rou'er, wiped away the tears from her face, and nodded with a sob: "I don't cry, crying can't solve any problems, I want to listen to my mother and be strong."

Rou'er asked: "What did Aunt Fang tell you?"

Luo Ji was about to speak, when Xiaoer's voice came from outside: "Miss, do you need hot water?"

Luo Ji nodded to Rou'er: "I want to take a bath, let him bring some more."

Rou'er was disappointed, but she didn't ask any further questions, and turned to walk towards the door.

Chu Palace
Qi Rongyue shared her worries with Tianqi.

Although Tian Qi is an emperor, but after all, he is young, has never experienced love, does not know the power of fascination, seems not to take it to heart, and said that she is too obsessed, a 14-year-old girl, can be in this capital city Here, what waves come out?

Rong Yue turned to the sky and said: "I don't know Luo Ji's ability, but this Yuan Dao is indeed very powerful. I have met him once."

Zhongwen looked surprised: "This Yuandao has been living in Xijiang, when did you meet him?"

Rong Yue forgot that Zhong Wen was there, so she leaked the truth in a moment of impatience. Back then, she and her master traveled all over the field to doctor, and traveled almost half of the Chu Dynasty, including Xijiang.

Xijiang Yuecheng, Yuan Dao's hometown, when she first met Yuan Dao, Yuan Dao was still a young man in his early twenties, because of his excellent piano skills, he was famous in the local area, and when he collected fame and fortune, he also paid for himself. Sowed disaster.

She and her master were passing through Yuecheng, and met Yuan Dao, who was hunted down by his enemies and forced to fall off the cliff. The master happened to be collecting medicine on the cliff, and this guy fell on a crooked neck tree growing from a crack in the cliff.

Master Xinren saw that he was still alive, so he rescued him and took him back to the inn to heal his injuries.

Unexpectedly, this guy, after waking up, not only did not appreciate the life-saving grace of his master, but he coveted her beauty and pestered her many times. its mind.

Fortunately, she has a deep knowledge of phonology and a firm mind, so she was not confused by his piano sound. Seeing that the insanity was ineffective, he wanted to take her away forcibly. After the master learned of this, he went to him to settle the score, but he disappeared without a trace.

Later, until they left Yuecheng, there was no news of this guy.

Unexpectedly, after many years, I heard his name again.

Although many years have passed, she can still clearly remember the scene when he used the Dementor Magic Sound. The magic sound was indeed very powerful, and she was lucky not to be controlled by the magic sound for a while. Maybe he was too young at the time, and his piano skills did not He is so proficient, after all these years, he must have achieved a lot in his magic voice.

Zhongwen stared at the embarrassed Rongyue, waiting for her answer.

Rong Yue said: "That's right, the master once saved his life, and I once met him once."

Seeing the embarrassment of the emperor's sister, Tian Qi hurriedly opened his mouth to make a rescue: "No matter how powerful this Yuan Dao or this Luo Ji is, I'm not afraid. The Son of Heaven is so upright, are you still afraid of this mere dementor sound?"

Rong Yue took out a bottle of elixir from her bosom, handed it to Tian Qi, and said, "This is Qingxin Pill. If the King of Liao insists on asking Luo Ji to present a song, you can take one, which can help you clear your mind. However, This medicine can only play an auxiliary role, the most important thing is your own self-control, don't be controlled by the American voice, remember."

(End of this chapter)

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