Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 842 The Man Who Covets You

Chapter 842 The Man Who Covets You
Chapter 849

Tian Qi nodded: "Don't worry, I've written everything down." Seeing how serious Miss Huang was, he didn't dare to be careless anymore, and carefully put away the Qingxin Pill.

On the way back to the palace, Zhong Wen couldn't hold back, and asked: "Just now in the palace, when you mentioned Yuan Dao, your expression was extremely unnatural. You and him really just met each other once?"

Thinking that Yuan Dao had met Chu Tianyu before, but now her face was Qi Rongyue, and even Qi Rongyue's face was changed, Yuan Dao couldn't recognize her at all, so he said: "Indeed, only Just met him once, and he didn't see me, so you can rest assured?"

He chuckled, stretched out his arms to wrap her in his arms, lowered his head and kissed her red lips: "Don't worry, there are too many men who covet you, I wish I could tie you on my belt and carry you all day long."

She laughed, and stretched out her hand to pinch his waist: "I can't handle it with you alone. How can I handle it with others?"

He tightly wrapped his hands around her slender waist, and asked with a smile, "Has that annoying monthly letter left?"

She shook her head: "Of course not, it's only been a few days, and you can't bear it anymore?"

He grabbed the restless little hand on his waist, and sighed: "I don't know who took the opportunity to tease me and make me feel uncomfortable. Just wait, and I will deal with you sooner or later."

Talking and laughing all the way back to the palace, as soon as they got off the carriage, they saw a maid leading a doctor hurried in.

She asked Bing'er who was waiting at the side: "Who invited the doctor?"

Bing'er helped the princess to get off the carriage, and said with a smile: "The one from Zhenyuan invited me, I heard that I went to play the piano in the garden yesterday, disturbed the hornet and got stung."

Zheng Zhongwen raised his brows slightly, looked at Qi Rongyue, and saw her face was pale, with a look of understanding, he understood in his heart, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his lips, Xue Baozhen really should teach her some lessons, Otherwise, maybe something will happen.

Jane Garden
Xue Baozhen looked at herself in the mirror. On the skin that could be broken by blowing bullets, two large bumps were stung by the wasp. It was itchy and painful, but she didn't dare to scratch it, fearing that if she scratched it, she would lose her appearance.

"Chu Yue, I'm not finished with you."

Others only said that the hornet's nest was dropped by herself, but she clearly knew that the hornet's nest was shot down by someone with an arrow.

There is no such a coincidence in the world, the arrow that was not wide open just fell on the viburnum tree, and just happened to hit the hornet's nest.

It must be Chu Yue, there is no one else but her.

Fortunately, the doctor said that she was fine, and after applying the medicine, she would recover in a few days, otherwise, her face would be ruined, and she would definitely find Chu Yue desperately.

She asked the maid beside her, "How is Xiao He?"

The maid shook her head, with a bitter face: "Miss, Miss Xiaohe, she doesn't seem to be well, she has a high fever and talks nonsense, her face is swollen out of shape."

Xue Baozhen frowned: "What did the eldest lady say?"

"The doctor has given her medicine and prescribed a prescription, saying that she will be fine if she takes the medicine on time, so don't worry too much."

Thinking of Xiao He's tragic situation, and also thinking of the evil intentions of the person who stabbed in the back last night, she must let out this tone.

She turned to the maid and said, "Bring the veil."

Xue Baozhen put on her veil and ordered someone to carry Xiao He out.

The doctor hadn't left yet, he was packing up his things, when he saw someone carrying Xiao He, he hurriedly stopped him: "You can't touch her, she can't stand the wind now, absolutely can't go out."

Xue Baozhen stepped inside, glared at the doctor coldly, and said in a deep voice: "Didn't you say that she will be fine as long as she rests?"

(End of this chapter)

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