Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 845 The prince is actually meaner than Chu Yue

Chapter 845 The prince is actually meaner than Chu Yue

Chapter 852

Xue Baozhen stayed where she was and couldn't move, did she mean to beat her up again?

"Back off!" She waved.

Liang'er and Bing'er walked quickly in front of Xue Baozhen, and said coldly, "Please go back!"

Xue Baozhen lowered her eyes to look at Xiao He, and saw that her complexion was gloomy and her breath was weak, if not for the slight ups and downs in her chest, she would be no different from a dead person.

Will Xiao He really die?
"Please go back!" Liang'er said, reaching out to support Xue Baozhen's arm, and pulled her out of the room with a little force, describing her as a mess, without the slightest bit of politeness.

Seeing the tightly closed door, Xue Baozhen trembled with anger. She thought that if Chu Yue faced her in every possible way in front of the prince, the prince would show pity for her and be dissatisfied with Chu Yue's harshness.

Who would have thought that the prince is meaner than Chu Yue. . .

Rong Yue in the room had already taken out the needle pack the moment the door closed, and personally treated the dying Xiao He.

Wasps are poisonous, so it is not a big problem to be stung by one or two wasps, but if you are stung by a large number of wasps, if you cannot get timely treatment, your life may even be in danger.

Two adults, and it was night again, wasps rarely attack people desperately at night, they shouldn't have been injured so badly.

Is it true that as Xue Baozhen said, Xiao He was stung by a hornet like this to protect her?I always feel that things are not so simple.

The doctor gave her medicines, all of which were common detoxification ointments, and they were effective, but now that Xiao He has passed the wind, using these ordinary ointments will not help at all.

She first fixed the acupoints with silver needles, stabilized Xiaohe's breath, and stopped the momentum of the toxin spreading, then took the best detoxification pill and dissolved it in water, half of it was applied externally and the other half was taken internally.

And it needs medicine every three hours. After Liang'er and Bing'er learned how to apply the medicine, they moved Xiao He to the second room, and the two took turns to take care of Xiao He.

At night, Xiao He, whose injury has improved, wakes up and sees that the person guarding her bed is Bing'er from Baoyueju, and she is very suspicious.

She had a dry mouth and struggled to get up, but almost fell out of bed due to the weakness of her limbs.

The dozing Bing'er woke up and quickly held Xiao He down: "You are seriously injured, you must not move around now, tell me what you want."

"Water, I'm thirsty." Xiao He said hoarsely.

Not only was he thirsty, but his mouth still had a bitter taste, as if he had just taken medicine, and there was still liquid left in his mouth.

Bing'er brought warm tea, supported her back with one hand, brought the cup of tea to her mouth with the other, and fed her to drink half of it.

After drinking the water, Xiao He slowed down, and after seeing the strangeness in the inner room, she asked, "Miss Bing'er, where is this? It doesn't seem to be Zhenyuan."

Bing'er smiled and said: "This is Baoyue Residence. Your master brought you to Wangfei Xingshi to question your crimes. When Wangfei saw that you were dying, she forced you to stay and healed your wounds personally. Otherwise, you are probably dead now." Alright."

Xiao He was full of astonishment, the princess personally healed her?She is in Baoyueju now?

Why did the princess do this?She is just a servant girl, even a young lady may not really put her life in her eyes, how could she do such a thing with her status as a princess?
At this moment, Liang'er came in with a bowl of hot plain noodles, saw Xiao He woke up, and said with a smile: "Princess really knows everything well, she said you should wake up now, let me bring some food, You really woke up."

(End of this chapter)

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