Chapter 846

Chapter 853

Liang'er put the plain noodles on the table next to the bed, and said to Bing'er: "Little sister, feed her some, I have to report to the princess."

Binger nodded: "You go, leave this place to me."

After Liang'er left, Xiao He just recovered from the shock. She asked Bing'er, "Miss Bing'er, why did the princess save me?" Could it be that there was another purpose?

Bing'er smiled and said: "Actually, I also asked the princess about you, why she wanted to save you. After all, you belong to the side concubine, and it is the side concubine who wants to save you."

Xiao He nodded, that's right, it was her family's young lady who wanted to save her, the princess couldn't do it.

Bing'er said again: "Guess what the princess said?"

"How to say?" Xiao He looked curious.

"The princess said, because you need to be treated immediately, otherwise you will lose your life, so no matter who you are, what the princess does is to save people, no matter what else, that's all."

Xiao He's eyes widened and she couldn't believe her ears. Is it just like this?Is it really just that?

Bing'er fed her noodles, didn't say much, and didn't take the opportunity to ask her anything about the side concubine, until the next day after the concubine personally inspected her injuries, she was allowed to go back to Zhenyuan.

Xiao He couldn't believe it, she saved her life just like that, but the person who saved her didn't expect anything in return. This princess is really strange.


Three days later, the king of Liao entered Beijing, and he entered the palace to have an audience that day.

Above the golden hall, in front of the officials, he brought his daughter into the hall to face the saint.

Luo Ji followed behind her burly father, with a slender figure, covered with a veil, wearing the unique clothes of Xijiang, and her eyes, which seemed to be captivating, appeared outside the veil. Just by looking at these eyes, one can imagine the beauty of the veil. How beautiful is her face.

Tian Qi's handsome eyes stared straight at those eyes, those eyes were very similar to Huang Jie's eyes, they were too similar.

Not Qi Rongyue's eyes now, but Chu Tianyu's eyes that have completely disappeared.

The king of Liao saluted respectfully. He hadn't seen the emperor shouting for a long time. He raised his eyes and peeked, and saw the little emperor staring straight at his daughter. He was very happy.

The eunuch on the side coughed softly, reminding the emperor that it's time to call.

Only then did Tian Qi come back to his senses, and said to King Liao and Luo Ji, "Ai Qing is flat."

Zheng Zhongwen, who stood at the head of the group of ministers, noticed Tianqi's gaffe, and secretly wondered in his heart. According to his understanding of Tianqi, he is not a very beautiful person. With so much attention, how could he lose his composure in front of the officials in this golden palace today?

According to Yue'er, Luo Ji is Yuan Dao's apprentice, who is good at confusing people's minds with the sound of the piano, but Luo Ji has not played the piano yet, so can Luo Ji deceive men's minds?

After retiring from the court, Zhongwen hurried back to the palace and told Rong Yue what happened in the palace today.

After hearing this, Rong Yue was also very worried, and immediately wrote a letter for Zhong Wen to send to the palace.

The next day, Tian Qi proposed to the King of Liao on the Golden Palace to send Princess Luo Ji to live in the Prince's Mansion.

After King Liao entered Beijing, he also inquired about the selection of concubines by the emperor, knowing that the selection of concubines by the emperor was given to the side-by-side concubine. The emperor's intention was to let Luo Ji give the concubine a look. Down.

On that day, Luo Ji left her father's surveillance and only brought her personal maid into the palace.

Rongyue arranged her in Pine Garden next to Baoyue Residence.

Rou'er was making the bed for Luo Ji, so she peeked at Luo Ji who was sitting under the window, and asked, "Princess, what are you thinking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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