Chapter 847 Stepping Stone
Chapter 854

Luo Ji sighed lightly: "I was thinking, how is mother now, Concubine Lian has fulfilled her promise to me." She shook her head helplessly: "She has always been full of sweet words and vicious thoughts, she has long wished for my mother to die , how could she treat mother kindly?"

Rou'er said: "Princess, you are worrying too much. Since Concubine Lian has promised you that she will treat Madam well, she will not go back on her promise. If you really become a queen in the future, it will be too late for her to curry favor with you."

Queen?Luo Ji smiled wryly, thinking of the emperor she saw yesterday at the Golden Palace, he was a handsome young man with natural regalia, and there was no perverted look in his eyebrows or eyes that ordinary men see when they see her.

She came here for the queen's position, but her father, the king, came here for the Chu Dynasty. Her daughter is destined to be a stepping stone for him to achieve his goal.

It's a pity for this young and handsome emperor, I hope he won't be fascinated by sex like ordinary men.

A maid came in from the outside and said to Luo Ji: "Princess, the concubine is here."

Luo Ji hurriedly got up, put on the veil hanging on her chest to hide her stunning face, and walked out of the room quickly.

Luo Ji greeted her in the courtyard, bowed to the princess and saluted: "See the princess."

Qi Rongyue walked a few steps quickly, stretched out his hand to support Luo Ji's arm, and said with a smile: "You are very polite, princess, please get up."

Luo Ji raised her eyes, looked at the face of the woman in front of her, and was very surprised in her heart, that she had such an ordinary face beside the concubine.

Qi Rongyue was also shocked. The Luo Ji in front of her had eyes that were exactly the same as when she was alive. Looking at those eyes, it was as if she saw herself.

She quickly disappeared the shock in her heart, and dragged Luo Ji into the house: "The sun is hot, let's talk inside."

As soon as she sat down, Rong Yue asked with a smile: "I heard that the princess is the most beautiful woman in Western Xinjiang. Although I haven't seen her real face today, just these eyes are very amazing."

Luo Ji understood what she meant, and immediately took off the tulle covering her face, and said with a smile: "The princess is too famous, and I am ashamed to be the number one beauty."

The face under the veil was very beautiful, Rong Yue breathed a sigh of relief, she was indeed very beautiful, and fortunately only these eyes were like hers, otherwise she really didn't know how to face Luo Ji.

"I heard that your piano skills are very good, who is the master?" Rong Yue asked.

Luo Ji glanced at the princess suspiciously, and then responded: "I have learned a little bit, my master is a native of Xijiang, his name is Yuan Dao, and the princess has lived in Kyoto for a long time, so I may not have heard of his name."

It really is Yuan Dao!
She nodded and smiled lightly: "It's true that I haven't heard of it. I have also learned the temperament. Although I am not very proficient, I can still play a few ditties. When I have time someday, I will definitely ask you for advice."

Luo Ji only said that she said it casually, and immediately responded: "If the princess is interested, I will accompany her."

Qi Rongyue personally poured a cup of tea for Luo Ji, and asked with a smile: "I heard that Princess Liao is the princess of Xibo Kingdom?"

When mentioning Princess Liao, the smile on Luo Ji's face froze immediately, and her complexion became extremely unnatural. After all, she was only a 14-year-old girl, and she hadn't learned how to hide her sudden outburst of emotions.

Qi Rongyue was a little curious, isn't Princess Liao the biological mother of Luo Ji?How could Princess Liao have such a strange expression when mentioning it?
As if realizing that there was a flaw in her face, Luo Ji smiled dryly: "That's right, Concubine Mu is indeed the princess of Xibo Kingdom."

Qi Rongyue went on to ask: "I heard that Xibo Country is rich in sapphire. The ring pendant carved from sapphire feels cold to the touch. Wearing it in summer can burn your body in the heat."

(End of this chapter)

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