Chapter 848 The real master

Chapter 855

Luo Ji was a little embarrassed, she didn't know what this sapphire was, and she didn't have much contact with Concubine Lian on weekdays, and few servants in the palace were willing to get close to her, and her father detained her and refused to let her go out of the palace , Most of the things in the world are heard from Master Yuandao, this sapphire is really unheard of.

Thinking of Master Yuandao, she felt a pain in her heart. He had been a teacher for three years. He was very kind to her, taught her piano art carefully, often brought her some delicious food from outside, and would tell her about the wonderful world outside. Looking at her with extremely gentle eyes, she thought that his thoughts were the same as hers.

She thought he liked her too.

But when her father proposed to take her to the capital to choose a concubine, she asked him for help, but he told her blankly that the road is her own, and her life is also her own. Let her go, he can't help her.

It turned out that in the past three years, she had been the one who was acting affectionate to herself, and he had never liked her at all.

She asked him why he was so nice to her since he didn't like her.

He said, because she looked like a person, a person he tried his best to forget, but couldn't forget.

It turned out that the gentle smile he occasionally showed her in the past was actually remembering another person.

It turned out that all the kindness he had shown her in the past was actually thinking about another person.

Ridiculous and sad.

On the way to Beijing, she had to go. Her father and king threatened her mother's life, so she had to obey, and dared not refuse.

Seeing that she hadn't answered for a long time, Qi Rongyue seemed to be distracted, so she asked: "It seems that the princess doesn't know much about this sapphire."

Luo Ji came back to her senses, with an awkward smile: "The princess is laughing, I really don't know much about sapphire."

Rong Yue smiled slightly, but there was a bit of sharp insight into people's hearts in her eyes.

It seems that the relationship between her and Princess Liao is not as rumored by the outside world. It is even possible that she is not Princess Liao's biological child. Otherwise, as the daughter of Princess Liao, how could she not even know about the most famous green jade in Xibo Kingdom?
Moreover, Xijiang is adjacent to Xibo Kingdom. It is impossible for Princess Liao not to return to her natal family after she got married. Bo country.

"The princess must be tired too. You can rest. I'll go back first, and I'll come to ask you about piano skills tomorrow." She got up.

Luo Ji heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly got up to see her off. For some reason, talking with this side-by-side princess, she was obviously kind to her, but she felt an invisible pressure, which made her breathless.

After the princess left, Rou'er helped Princess Luo Ji back to the room, she asked in a low voice: "Princess, do you think this princess is weird?"

Luo Ji looked at her sideways: "What's wrong?"

Rou'er said: "This servant always feels that she is here to talk, didn't you hear it?"

Routine?Luo Ji thought about it carefully, although the side-by-side princess asked a few questions, but it was not an important question, no matter whether she couldn't answer it, she didn't ask, or picked thorns to embarrass her. It's not like a cliché.

Besides, the side-by-side princess is responsible for the selection of the concubine. Since she is also one of the candidates, even if you try to trick her, it is not inappropriate, and there is nothing to make a fuss about.

Luo Ji said to Rou'er: "I think the side-by-side princess is very kind, and there is nothing wrong with asking. You are overthinking."

Rou'er saw that she didn't take it seriously, so she didn't say much, and just wrote down all the questions that the princess had just asked, and reported it to her real master later.

(End of this chapter)

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