Chapter 849
Chapter 856

Back at Baoyue Residence, Zheng Zhongwen was teasing the child. Seeing her come back, he hurriedly asked Binger to take the child out, and pulled Qi Rongyue to sit down: "How is it? What did you find out?"

Rong Yue frowned slightly: "When you were in Xijiang, did you ever see Princess Liao with your own eyes?"

Zhong Wen shook his head: "No, even the King of Liao has never seen it before, how could he have seen Princess Liao? What's the matter?"

"I suspect that Luo Ji is not the daughter of Princess Liao. Princess Liao is the princess of the Xibo Kingdom. To marry the King of Liao, the dowry must be very rich, and the most abundant product in Xibo Kingdom is sapphire, which is not available in other countries. When a princess gets married, the dowry How could there be less sapphire?"

"As for Princess Luo Ji, she doesn't even know what sapphire is. Even if she hasn't seen it, hasn't she heard it from the concubine?"

Zhongwen nodded: "That's the reason. I heard that the people of Xibo Kingdom look very different from our people from the Chu Dynasty. Their skin is very fair, their nose bridge is very high, the color of their eyes is also different from ours, and their hair color is also different. Princess Luo Ji If it is really the daughter of Princess Xibo, she must be somewhat similar to her mother, right?"

Rong Yue shook her head: "I just saw her face, she is no different from ours, without any Xibo Kingdom characteristics, and when I mentioned Princess Liao, her expression was extremely unnatural."

Zhong Wen said: "I will immediately send someone to send a letter to the western border, ordering someone I can trust to check the situation in the Prince Liao's mansion."

Rong Yue nodded: "This matter must be handled as soon as possible, and King Liao must not be aware of it."

Zhongwen got up: "I'll go now, don't worry, she will stay in our residence for a while, there is still time."


When Xue Baozhen heard that a Princess Luoji lived in the mansion, and that she was the most beautiful woman in Western Xinjiang, and was very good at piano skills, she couldn't sit still immediately, and immediately took Xiao He, who had just recovered, to Pine Garden.

The concubine won't let her go to Baoyueju, so she will be fine if she goes to Pine Garden.

Besides, as a side concubine, it is reasonable for her to go to the house to entertain guests when guests come to the house.

Not long after Qi Rongyue left the pine garden with her front foot, Xue Baozhen entered the pine garden with her back foot.

Luo Ji was tired and planned to take a rest, but after hearing the report from the servants, she had to force herself to go out and welcome the side concubine in.

Luo Ji didn't wear a veil, her stunning appearance made Xue Baozhen jealous.

God is so unfair that all the good things in the world are gathered on this one face.

After the servant brought the tea, Xue Baozhen said with a smile: "The Princess really deserves to be the number one beauty in Western Xinjiang. Even I, as a woman, can't help but be moved by this little face."

Luo Ji had heard such praises of her beauty countless times, and she was already tired of it, she just smiled lightly: "Concubine Zhen is too famous, I really dare not be called the number one beauty."

Xue Baozhen glanced at the decorations in the room, and sighed: "Why did the concubine sister place you in this pine garden, there is a garden more suitable for the princess in Mingming's mansion."

Luo Ji glanced at Xue Baozhen, and said quietly: "This place is very good, I like it very much."

Xue Baozhen smiled dryly: "Really, as long as you like it." She paused, and then said: "I heard that the emperor himself asked you to come to the palace for a short stay?"

Luo Ji nodded: "Yes."

"So, the princess is also here to choose a concubine?"

Luo Ji's face was flushed, and she nodded slightly: "Yes!"

Rou'er glared at Xue Baozhen in displeasure, thinking that this concubine really has no eyesight, and her words are too straightforward.

Xue Baozhen breathed a sigh of relief, it would be great if she came here to choose a concubine, she didn't want to have another competitor in this mansion, this Luo Ji was born so beautiful, but any man would treat her Tempted, I am afraid the prince will be no exception.

 The golden rooster is here to announce the good news, and the shepherd boy is here to wish you all a new year. I wish you all the best in the new year, success in your studies, and every step of the way! !

  See you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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