Chapter 854
Chapter 861

Luo Ji raised her eyebrows. She also plays high mountains and flowing water?

The high mountains and flowing water are all quiet, but the spring water is murmuring. It is suspected that Chang'e of the Moon Palace is playing the piano and playing the building one hundred and eight thousand miles away.

The melody pauses appropriately, and the charm is self-contained, leisurely, low-pitched, clear as splashing jade, and trembling like a dragon's chant.

Luo Ji closed her eyes, recalling in her mind the scene when she first met Yuan Dao, the first piece he asked her to play was High Mountain and Flowing Water.

When she played, he recited an ancient poem, which is still fresh in his memory.

After waving the strings, the song ended several times, and there was still a smoked wind on the side of Lishan Mountain.

The guest outside the door brought the piano, vaguely reunited in the ancient times.

At high and low places, falling geese are startled.

Afraid of snapping fingers, wake up the beauty who is sleeping, and the Hakka is rich in spring.

Ren Xian is full of sorrows, and he can't understand the carelessness.

Jiao Tong is not in the middle of the eyes, but the red is buried under the sink.

Don't worry about it, increase the number of widows, change the levy and move the palace.

A curtain of autumn water melts in the moon, and the wine bottle is empty.

Lazy to listen to the pipa on the river, tears wet hibiscus.

Looking forward to when, Zhong Qi will meet Ye Hangzhong again. (Excerpt from "Expressing Feelings")
She recited silently in her heart, and the past happened again and again, with tears falling down her face, suffering unspeakably.

At the end of the song, Luo Ji opened her eyes, the tears in her eyes were gone, she hid her worries, got up with a smile, and bowed to Qi Rongyue: "The sound is natural, a piece of music is in my ears, I feel a lot, Luo Ji thanked the princess here."

Rong Yue got up, and bowed back to Luo Ji: "The princess is too famous, I am ashamed to be that."

Luo Ji looked very excited, as if the friend she had been looking for for a long time suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and she was very pleasantly surprised.

"Wangfei's song is amazing. It turns out that mountains and rivers can be played in this way, and it can still have such a unique charm. It shows that Wangfei understands the rhythm."

Rong Yue smiled lightly: "I just play a piece of music I like in the direction I like. There are still shortcomings, and I don't know the rhythm very well. I just like it. I haven't played it for many years. It's a lot rusty."

The two of you talked to each other, as if they had completely forgotten Xue Baozhen's existence.

Xue Baozhen was embarrassed and wanted to find a crack to get in. She never expected that Chu Yue could play a whole piece of high mountains and flowing water with such charm with a broken piano. Even she almost couldn't hold back just now Words come.

Not only Luo Ji's piano skills are superior to hers, but Chu Yue's piano skills have even reached a level that she will never forget.

Today she understands what it means that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

But she was not reconciled, the only skill she could get her hands on was the skill she had practiced hard for many years. She thought she could rely on this skill to trample Chu Yue on the soles of her feet and humiliate her with superb piano skills, but she never expected that the person who was humiliated in the end , It turned out to be her own.

Seeing that the two were talking happily, she couldn't get in a word, so she could only leave the pine garden silently.

When Zheng Zhongwen returned to the mansion, he saw that Rong Yue seemed to be in a good mood, and the worries that had previously stained his brows disappeared without a trace, so he couldn't help asking curiously: "What's wrong with you? Did something good happen?"

Rong Yue pulled him to sit down at the table, pushed the cold tea in front of him, and said with a smile: "Today I listened to Princess Luo Ji talking about the piano."

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows: "Oh? So, you look like this, are you confused by her piano sound?"

She glanced at him, and said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about? Am I such a person who can be easily fooled by others?"

"Then why are you so happy?" he asked.

She was happy, of course, because finding the news was not an easy task.

(End of this chapter)

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