Chapter 855

Chapter 862

In terms of medical skills, except for the master, she has never met anyone who can discuss with her in depth on medical issues, but fortunately there is a master.

In terms of piano skills, except for Yuan Dao who met in Xijiang back then, she has never met a person who has such a profound understanding of rhythm and piano skills. This kind of excitement of meeting a bosom friend cannot be expressed in words.

She smiled and said: "Wen Zhiyin, knowledge of nature, I listened to Princess Luo Ji's piano today, and talked with her for a long time, and found that she is a very simple girl, and under my intentional or unintentional temptation, I found It was a very interesting thing.”

Zheng Zhongwen was puzzled: "What?"

"Before, I just suspected that she was not the biological daughter of Princess Liao, but now I can be sure that she is definitely not the biological daughter of Princess Liao."

Zhongwen raised his eyebrows, "How do you know?"

Rong Yue said: "It's very simple. Princess Liao is the princess of the Xibo Kingdom. In the palace, in the Chu Dynasty, she has a name from the Chu Dynasty, Bailian, but she also has a name from the Xibo Kingdom, Duo Na Su Lian. , There is a custom in Xibo country that a married woman will change her name after she arrives at her husband's house, and after giving birth to a child, the child's nickname will be the woman's name before marriage."

Zheng Zhongwen smiled knowingly: "So, you used the name Duo Na Su Lian to test Princess Luo Ji?"

Rong Yue smiled brightly: "That's right, I called Duo'ena Su Lian in Xibo language, but she didn't respond at all, instead she looked at me blankly, with a puzzled expression on her face."

If they were really mother and daughter, how could they have never heard Xibo language?How could he not even know his own mother's name?

Zheng Zhongwen leaned forward, stretched his arms around her waist, and stared seriously into her eyes: "How can you speak Xibo? Have you been to Xijiang?" Last time she said that she had a relationship with Yuandao, could it be that Is it in Xijiang?
Rong Yue staggered his gaze, and snorted softly: "What? I can't speak Xibo since I haven't been to Xijiang? Besides, I don't really know Xibo, I only know a few sentences. It was taught by my master Yes, if you don't believe me, ask the master." She was a little guilty and didn't dare to look him in the eyes.

He squeezed her waist with his hand, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid there is nothing in this world that you can't do."

She raised her eyebrows and looked at him: "Why? Are you unhappy that your wife is so powerful?"

"Happy, I'm so happy that I wish I could take you day and night—" He smiled ambiguously and cut off the rest of the sentence.

She asked, "What about me?"

He chuckled, picked her up horizontally, strode to the bed, put her down lightly, and then quickly covered her up: "Hold you in his arms, and press you down."

She blushed like a fire, and stretched out her hand to push him: "It's broad daylight, you really—stop it." He grabbed her hands as she refused to push him, and brought her to her lips and kissed him hard: "Little fairy, what have you been doing all these days?" Now, do you know how I live every night?" A woman's monthly letter is really a nuisance, a beauty can't love and caress wantonly, a few days of restraint and forbearance almost drives him crazy.

I really don't know how he endured going in and out of the boudoir every night when he was in Jincheng.

Xu Shi has never tasted meat, so he doesn't know how wonderful the taste is, but now he has tasted such a bone-destroying and ecstatic taste, the meat is in his mouth but cannot be swallowed, that kind of torture is simply inhuman.

She bit her lip, her eyes full of innocence: "I didn't mean to torture you, what can I do when this month's letter comes?" She felt uncomfortable being held in his arms all night, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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