Chapter 856 Rabbit
Chapter 863

He lowered his head, kissed her lips, and whispered his hoarse love words: "Yue'er, Yue'er, I want you—"

Her originally stiff body gradually became soft, and her rejecting hand wrapped around his neck at some point, the man's scorching body temperature almost ignited her, and her unconscious twisting and responding almost drove him crazy.

Every breath and every moment with her is so wonderful, not only can he get unprecedented satisfaction in his body, but his heart and soul have also reached an unprecedented perfection.

Here the heat is shaking the bed, and in the garden on the other side, Xiao Nianwen and Binger are chasing and playing with the little rabbit.

"Miss, are you unhappy?" Xiao He looked at the young lady carefully, feeling uneasy. Since entering the palace, the young lady's temperament has become more and more weird. In the past, she knew what the young lady was thinking best, but now she is not sure. What is the lady planning.

Xue Baozhen glared at Xiao He, and said angrily: "How can I be happy after losing such a big face?"

Xiao He hurriedly comforted: "Miss, don't be angry, your playing is no worse than the princess's, and besides, the princess didn't say that your playing is not as good as hers!"

Xue Baozhen stamped her feet, and stared at Xiao He fiercely: "What do you know? Who plays well and who plays poorly, can I not be clear? Do I need her to talk about it?" Her eyes gradually became strange: "Is it because Chu Yue saved your life, you are grateful to her in your heart, and now you want to turn to her everywhere?"

When Xiao He heard this, she was frightened out of her wits, and immediately knelt down in front of Xue Baozhen, "Miss, you have wronged the servant, the princess saved the slave's life, and the servant has already thanked the princess, you are the slave Master, how could slaves know, how could—”

Seeing Xiao He crying in a hurry, Xue Baozhen felt upset, waved her hand and said, "That's all, I was just joking, do I need to be so serious?" She didn't really doubt Xiao He, after all Xiao He urinates in Xue's mansion served her, although the two were masters and servants, their relationship was more intimate than usual. Xiao He was the only person she could trust wholeheartedly in this mansion.

Xiao He wiped her tears and stood up, only to see a white shadow jumping from far to near, and a small figure in the distance was chasing the white shadow, Xue Baozhen raised her eyebrows slightly, and said to Xiao He beside her: Catch the rabbit."

Xiao He didn't dare to disobey the young lady's wishes, she immediately ran forward and grabbed the rabbit in her hand, then turned around and followed the young lady back to Zhenyuan.

Xiao Nianwen chased after the rabbit and suddenly disappeared. After all, he was still young. He just felt that his beloved toy was taken away by someone, and immediately burst into tears.

Bing'er ordered people to search everywhere, but there was no trace of the rabbit at all.

"Hey - this little thing was here just now, why did it disappear in the blink of an eye? Did you look for it?" Bing'er asked the maid beside her.

The appearance of one of the maids who hesitated to speak successfully attracted Binger's attention, she pointed to the maid and asked: "Tell me, did you see the rabbit?"

The maid glanced sideways at the end of the garden, and the figure had long since disappeared. She whispered, "Sister Bing, I saw the side concubine in the garden just now, and her girl seemed to be holding a rabbit in her arms."

When Bing'er heard this, she immediately lost her temper: "I said why did the rabbit disappear for no reason, so it was taken away by her, she must have done it on purpose."

(End of this chapter)

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